Urban-Greater DC partners with the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development to manage the DC Preservation Network, a group of government agencies and community-based organizations working to preserve affordable housing in the District of Columbia. Urban-Greater DC maintains and updates the DC Preservation Catalog, a database of rental properties with units affordable to low-income households (at or below 80% area median income) through one or more federal or local housing subsidy programs.
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012
The Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action is working with the Shelby County Department of Planning and Development and the Greater Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce to evaluate property condition and create an asset inventory for an area branded “Airport City,” surrounding the Memphis International Airport. In partnership with the Center for Community, Criminology and Research (C3R), CBANA analysts are focusing on multifamily housing, commercial, retail and warehousing in the 37,000 parcel area, with a special emphasis on community safety and Crime Prevention Through Environ
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
March 10, 2012
As the curtain closed on the March 10, 2012 performance of “Hurt Village” at the Signature Theatre at Pershing Square in New York, patrons were invited to participate in a panel discussion moderated by award-winning journalist Esther Armah, which included Yale University sociologist Elijah Anderson, CBANA director and University of Memphis sociologist Phyllis Betts, director Patricia McGregor and playwrite Katori Hall (The Mountaintop, Hoodoo Love, and most recently, Hurt Village).
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
April 2012
Originally funded by a grant from the US Department of Justice and designed by CBANA/C3R (working with the Southeast Memphis CDC and Ledic Asset Management) , “Safeways” is a data-driven supportive collaboration among owner/managers, residents, law enforcement, and non-profits to improve safety and quality of life in multifamily housing communities. Owners/managers access training and technical assistance in place management and resident services, and may apply for Safeways Certification.
The Behavioral Health Network of Greater St. Louis (BHN) Board of Directors identified the expansion of safe, affordable housing and supportive service options for persons with behavioral health needs as one of its top strategic priorities for 2011-2012.
Related Links:
Behavioral Health Network Regional Housing Collaborative
The Data Services department is working with the Town of Marshfield Housing Partnership and Planning Board to estimate the potential build out of commercial and residential properties. Based on existing zoning regulations and other development constraints, the CommunityViz scenario modeling platform is being used to map future dwelling units and commercial square footage. MAPC staff presented preliminary results at the Planning Board meeting on May 14th, which generated valuable feedback from members of the board and the Housing Partnership.
Children's Optimal Health is pleased to announce that we have launched a new website. Many of our maps and all of our published reports are available for download through the site. There is currently no charge for these products, but users are asked to register and let us know how they use our work. Children's Optimal Health works to improve operations, impact policy, engage the community and support research to improve the health and well-being of all children in Central Texas.
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
March 6, 2012
The Poverty Center's Neighborhood Stabilization Team Web Application (NST Web App) was selected as a Leadership in Community Innovation Award finalist. Four finalist groups competed for the award which included $25,000, funded by Key Bank, to go toward continuing projects. While the Center did not win the final award, it was an honor for the NST Web App to be recognized and selected as a finalist.
An audience of 178 housing experts, government analysts, nonprofit leaders and others gathered for the second annual Charlotte Data Day. The day-long event, hosted by the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond’s Charlotte Branch in partnership with the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, included presentations and workshops focused on local, state and national housing data.
Capital One philanthropic mission includes a comprehensive giving program to help build the future of communities for Capital One’s customers and associates across the U.S. These programs, known as Placed Based Initiatives (PBI), can be found in communities in Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Virginia, and Washington D.C. Each PBI offers support and development based on the community’s individual and unique needs through strong, collaborative partnerships with organizations, businesses, and community members within the neighborhood.
NeighborhoodInfo DC and the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development (CNHED) are pleased to announce the formation of a new Preservation Strategy Advisory Council charged with advising and overseeing a plan to preserve the affordability of the 35,000 housing units assisted by federal or local funding and the 80,000
Matthew Martin, Charlotte regional executive, Amy Hawn Nelson, Director of Research at NNIP partner UNCC Urban Institute, and Rebecca Hefner, Comunity Research Manager at the City of Charlotte, spoke with Mike Collins on "Charlotte Talks." Follow the link below to learn more about the event and to hear the podcast.
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
December 18, 2015
"Can San Francisco Get Mixed-Income Public Housing Redevelopment Right?" by NIMC's Mark Joseph and co-authors Nancy Latham, Rachel G. Kleit and Steven LaFrance discusses how the HOPE SF program is aiming to explicitly avoid many of the problems mixed-income public housing redevelopments have faced, to create a truly inclusive process.
MAPC, the True Story Theater, and the Irish International Immigrant Center hosted a dialogue about housing that will explore belonging, affordability, and displacement in our region. On the spot, actors from True Story Theater portrayed the heart of what is being heard using music, movement, and dialogue. The intent is to create a respectful atmosphere where every voice can be heard and any story told - however ordinary or extraordinary, difficult or joyful.
Join the Polis Center on Thursday, October 6, from 7:30-10:00 a.m. for the free SAVI Talks! presentation, “The Changing Affordable Housing Market.” Hosted by WFYI, 1630 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46202, this free event features an analysis of affordable housing issues in Central Indiana and will help organizations and communities better understand the market so they can impact community development policy and service provision. Specifically, the program will:
The DC Preservation Catalog is a database of assisted housing in the District of Columbia maintained byNeighborhoodInfo DCand theCoalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development. On October 11, 2016, we released the first online version of the Preservation Catalog at an event hosted and livestreamed by the Urban Institute.
University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh) Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance (Baltimore) Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
In response to a need for more accessible, detailed, and complete housing information for the District of Columbia and its region, the Fannie Mae Foundation and the Urban Institute produced Housing in the Nation's Capital from 2002 to 2009.
The series broke new ground by connecting housing and education, forecasting need for elderly and supportive housing, and documenting the impact of the foreclosure crisis on the Washington DC region.
The Urban Institute and the Data Center in New Orleans partnered from 2009-2011 do three annual reports related to housing funded by the local community foundation. The organizations divided up the analysis and writing tasks to complete the report, and the Data Center took the lead on dissemination and community engagement.
As the national narrative around Detroit has shifted from a story of blight to one of revitalization and resurgence, challenges and responses have arisen around ensuring the city’s recovery is inclusive for all residents. Over the past three years, Data Driven Detroit has collaborated with Capital Impact Partners to inform a fact-based approach to revitalization that minimizes displacement of current residents and achieves mixed-income neighborhoods.
The Urban Institute, the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development (CNHED), Code for DC, and the DC Department of Housing and Community Development hosted an event for the release of the new Housing Insights website that will put better information in the hands of decisionmakers and advocates for affordable housing. Housing Insights will make it easy to browse a list of all subsidized affordable housing in DC, regardless of what subsidy program they are part of.
(Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies (Portland)
January 2018
Metroscape’s Winter 2018 edition launched with a panel discussion on nonagricultural uses of Oregon farmland. View the video here!
This issue also includes stories on urban forestry, school redistricting, and a diverse Portland neighborhood working to improve livability without gentrification.
(Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies (Portland)
April 2018
IMS is working with the City of Milwaukie to write a Housing Affordability Strategy. It will serve as an overarching framework, combining existing land use inventory, needs assessments, and housing policy analysis with additional research. Among other measures, Milwaukie is pursuing code changes that would expand the range of permissible housing types.
The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation has awarded Dr. Gary Painter and Dr. Jovanna Rosen a grant to study how Los Angeles residents are coping with rent burden through a telephone survey. The Los Angeles region faces a deep and worsening housing affordability crisis.
Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy (New York)
December 11, 2018
Close to 1 million apartments in New York City are subject to the state’s rent stabilization laws, which regulate how rents can rise. In June, 2019, those laws are set to expire. On November 29th, 2018 the NYU Furman Center hosted an event to bring experts together to explore ideas for reforming the rent laws.
In 2019, the City of Chicago embarked on a new Five-Year Housing Plan that aims to promote growth through equitable neighborhood development. Developed by the city’s Department of Planning and Development, the plan was informed by a partnership with the Institute for Housing Studies (IHS) at DePaul University.
Institute for Housing Studies (Chicago) Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
June 2019
Enterprise Community Partners' Policy Development and Research team hosted a convening on local data-driven approaches to addressing affordable housing needs. Leading researchers who are using parcel-level data to address local needs attended the event.
Samantha Batko and Ajjit Narayanan from the Urban Institute presented on the Emergency Rental Assistance Prioritization Index Tool. The tool is intended to take a look at neighborhood-level conditions to help community leaders prioritize allocation of rental assistance funds and looking at extremely low income renters.
A team of researchers from CURA will produce a study of the potential impacts of a rent stabilization policy for the City of Minneapolis. The study will examine market trends and existing conditions in the city's rental housing stock, population and income trends over the past 20 years, and the city's rent affordability gap. The CURA team will also produce an analysis of the potential economic impact of different types of rent stabilization policies. CURA will provide a summary of the experience of other cities who have enacted rent stabilization.
The Walder Foundation has provided a grant to Communities United, a nonprofit in Chicago, along with several other Chicago organizations with a significant history in prioritizing immigrants and refugees in their missions. The emphasis is on advancing immigrant integration, increasing access to legal services, and improving the region’s welcoming policies and attitudes.
To support Communities United in their work, the DePaul University Institute for Housing Studies (IHS) will provide data and technical assistance to help the project partners understand key issues such as:
During Idea Showcases, partners highlight or talk about the great work their organization is doing. This time, we decided to have a theme to feature partners' efforts to support affordable housing supply (both government-subsidized and non-subsidized) with data, analysis and engagement. Our three partner presenters were:
Panelists focused on “Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing” or NOAH — properties that charge rents considered affordable without public subsidies. This supply is most at risk of becoming unaffordable through market forces or unlivable through deferred maintenance.
The Institute for Housing Studies (IHS) provided timely analysis and hands-on assistance that influenced Chicago’s government to implement policies to help preserve the city’s unsubsidized affordable housing. A focus of the IHS analysis was two-to-four-unit residential buildings, which account for 25 percent of Chicago’s housing units and compose a substantial share of unsubsidized affordable housing.
The Central Ohio Regional Housing Strategy was a collaborative effort by public and private partners across the Central Ohio Region, led by MORPC, the City of Columbus, and Franklin County, to comprehensively evaluate and identify strategies to meet current and future housing needs.
Housing instability has long been a concern in Shelby County, Tennessee, with eviction filings averaging more than 30,000 annually between 2016 and 2019. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic created an even greater need for Memphians to focus on stabilizing renters’ housing situations.
Data Driven Detroit (D3), Urban Institute, The Data Center
Thursday, September 15, 2022 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Over the past two years, the NNIP Network has elevated how local data are critical tools for communities to address the racial wealth gap and improve racial ...
Data Driven Detroit (D3), Urban Institute, The Data Center
Thursday, September 15, 2022 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Over the past two years, the NNIP Network has elevated how local data are critical tools for communities to address the racial wealth gap and improve racial ...
Data Driven Detroit (D3), Urban Institute, The Data Center
Thursday, September 15, 2022 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Over the past two years, the NNIP Network has elevated how local data are critical tools for communities to address the racial wealth gap and improve racial ...
The lack of support from the criminal legal system and the stigma associated with having a criminal record create challenging barriers for people returning from incarceration, particularly when it comes to obtaining safe and affordable housing. The nonprofit Project RETURN (Returning Ex-Incarcerated people to Urban Realities and Neighborhoods) has the urgent mission of helping people who were formerly incarcerated make a positive, permanent return to their communities, families, and friends in Wisconsin.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, in partnership with the Urban Institute, has selected 38 organizations from around the country for the Using Local Data to Address Structural Racism grant program.
Urban-Greater DC partnered with HAND (Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers) to launch the third version of the Housing Indicator Tool (HIT 3.0), a platform that tracks local jurisdictions’ housing production and preservation in the Greater DC and Baltimore area to help stakeholders create paths for removing obstacles to opportunity and supporting housing stability. The tool served as a response to the 2019 Urban Institute report that called for the production of 374,000 net new housing units between 2015 and 2030 to adequately address the region’s affordable housing crisis.
Two- to four-unit residential buildings account for a quarter of Chicago’s housing units and compose a substantial share of unsubsidized affordable housing, particularly in Black and Latino communities. Community organizations witnessed the deconversion of these buildings into single-family homes, which often raised the cost of housing in the market.
This NNIP-hosted webinar illustrated two examples of how advocates and affordable housing developers and investors can make use of local data on unsubsidized affordable housing to create tailored policies and investments to preserve this housing stock.
The session featured case studies from Chicago and Denver:
Urban Institute is excited to announce the NNIP partners in Boston, Durham, New Haven, and San Antonio selected through a competitive Request for Proposals for $50,000 subgrants from the NNIP Emerging Opportunities Fund. As part of NNIP’s expanded efforts to support local innovation, Urban launched the Fund to support network partners to take on projects that are poised community impact and that expands the organization’s portfolio, such as taking on a new issue area, engaging in new partnerships, and/or using new methods or data sources.
The Urban Institute and HAND launched the 2024 HIT, showcasing conversations from cross-sector leaders at the in-person event in Washington, DC. Watch the recording here. A diverse set of perspectives will provide a view of how each sector can contribute to the collective effort and address the advocacy, policies, and investments needed to increase the housing supply and create a more equitable region.
Urban Institute (NNIP Coordinator) Institute for Housing Studies (Chicago) Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy (New York) Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)