DC Preservation Network Launches Online Preservation Catalog

The DC Preservation Catalog is a database of assisted housing in the District of Columbia maintained byNeighborhoodInfo DCand theCoalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development. On October 11, 2016, we released the first online version of the Preservation Catalog at an event hosted and livestreamed by the Urban Institute. See more about the event here: http://www.urban.org/events/dc-housing-preservation-catalog-release
The Catalog includes property names, locations, and data on the various subsidies that contribute to a property's affordability, including each subsidy's effective expiration dates and the number of income-restricted units. The Catalog is used by a network of city agencies, nonprofits, community organizations, affordable housing developers, and HUD (the DC Preservation Network) to develop responses and strategies to preserve affordable housing for low-income residents.