DataWorks NC

DataWorks NC

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Kenton Spencer, Executive Director

DataWorks is an independent data intermediary based in Durham, North Carolina. We are dedicated to democratizing the use of quantitative information, engaging in partnerships where data and analysis blend with lived experience and shared stories. We work with neighbors, non-profits, public agencies, and other partners in social benefit to advance community programming and public discourse. We provide comprehensive neighborhood indicators with the Neighborhood Compass, technical assistance and custom analysis, and collaborative learning opportunities.

Our mission is to democratize data to facilitate an empowered, productive, and equitable community. To that end, we have outlined three primary areas of focus for our work:

  • Engage communities with data. We connect neighbors and community organizations with indicators, strengthening efforts to improve  neighborhoods. This includes direct technical support in data preparation, mapping and other visualization.
  • Convene and contribute to community conversations. We facilitate productive spaces for shared learning from different perspectives. We also participate as an independent partner in policy discussions, guided by both quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Provide community data tools.  We provide community data resources, including the Neighborhood Compass, that are regularly-updated and serve all partners equally.
Leroi Derubertis
Volunteer Coordinator, Event Planner
L'Tanya Durante
Data Action Coordinator
Kenton Spencer
Executive Director