Since 2016 DataWorks has been tying neighborhood indicators more closely to themes of gentrification. Following a May 2016 presentation to City Council - and the persistent question of whether people were frequently displaced by gentrification - we began collecting data from the Durham County Sheriff's Department on notifications of summary ejectment and writs of possession.
(Inactive) Center for Economic Information* (Kansas City)
One of our collaborators at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, Center for Economic Information is Jacob Wagner at the UMKC Center for Neighborhoods. He's been collaborating with the KC Eviction Project, which is an effort involving researchers, community organizers, neighborhood leaders, lawyers, and policymakers who aim to advance a housing justice agenda.
Evictions have many consequences for families, leading to the loss of housing, possessions, and sometimes jobs. Individuals and families even experience declines in mental and physical health.
Samantha Batko and Ajjit Narayanan from the Urban Institute presented on the Emergency Rental Assistance Prioritization Index Tool. The tool is intended to take a look at neighborhood-level conditions to help community leaders prioritize allocation of rental assistance funds and looking at extremely low income renters.
Idea Showcases are 5 minute opportunities to highlight or talk about the great work our organizations are doing. We had a great line up for this showcase!
• Amy Carroll-Scott and Danny Galpern from the Urban Health Collaborative (Philadelphia) discussed their COVID Urban Vulnerability Dashboard and how they highlight systems of oppression and geographic patterns of health inequities.
Urban Institute (NNIP Coordinator) Institute for Housing Studies (Chicago) Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy (New York) Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)