The Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development, a research institute housed at Case Western Reserve University's Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, has been working with Cleveland’s Strategic Investment Initiative (SII) to address the problem of vacant and abandoned properties and stimulate market recovery in six Cleveland neighborhoods since February of 2005.
A team of researchers from CURA will produce a study of the potential impacts of a rent stabilization policy for the City of Minneapolis. The study will examine...
In Providence, the web-based urban land information system has been created to help community development corporations, city officials and others deal with problem buildings and develop targeted strategies for neighborhood improvement. The Providence Land Information System is an interactive database search and mapping application that contains data on every property in the City of Providence. Along with data on land and buildings from the Assessor's office, it includes data on foreclosures, utility delinquencies, and housing code and health code enforcement actions.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 to Saturday, January 1, 2022
The Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) worked alongside St. Louis City departments and the region’s largest home repair providers to shed light on a problem...
D3 collaborated with the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) and Interface Studios to conduct an industrial parcel survey of the City of Detroit. D3 staff participated in the surveying process and supported the entire effort with parcel and land cover data.
NeighborhoodInfo DC will continue its tracking of foreclosure activity in Washington, D.C., and the region in 2012. The data we provide are used by local government agencies, community-based nonprofits, and legal assistance providers to help homeowners and renters who are at risk of losing their homes because of foreclosure. We plan to expand our data tracking to include indicators for the foreclosure mediation program implemented in the District of Columbia late last year.
University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh)
March 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012
The PNCIS was part of a team selected to prepare a plan for vacant properties in Pittsburgh's Hill District neighborhood. Our work will involve the collection of parcel-based data in the Hill District, including property assessment, ownership, land use, tax, and sales records to paint a full picture of vacant property in the Hill District. The project will begin in March 2012.
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012
The Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action is working with the Shelby County Department of Planning and Development and the Greater Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce to evaluate property condition and create an asset inventory for an area branded “Airport City,” surrounding the Memphis International Airport. In partnership with the Center for Community, Criminology and Research (C3R), CBANA analysts are focusing on multifamily housing, commercial, retail and warehousing in the 37,000 parcel area, with a special emphasis on community safety and Crime Prevention Through Environ
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
April 2012
Originally funded by a grant from the US Department of Justice and designed by CBANA/C3R (working with the Southeast Memphis CDC and Ledic Asset Management) , “Safeways” is a data-driven supportive collaboration among owner/managers, residents, law enforcement, and non-profits to improve safety and quality of life in multifamily housing communities. Owners/managers access training and technical assistance in place management and resident services, and may apply for Safeways Certification.
Audio to come soon. Presented at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia's Reinventing Older Communities Conference with CityCourced and Code for America/Open Plans staff on new ways to encourage innovation with information in a modern US city. Focused heavily on the benefits and strategies of OpenData to support engagement, accountaiblity, investment growth and new business incubation.
Related Links:
Presentation on Civic Innovation at the Fed Res Philly Conference
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
March 6, 2012
The Poverty Center's Neighborhood Stabilization Team Web Application (NST Web App) was selected as a Leadership in Community Innovation Award finalist. Four finalist groups competed for the award which included $25,000, funded by Key Bank, to go toward continuing projects. While the Center did not win the final award, it was an honor for the NST Web App to be recognized and selected as a finalist.
Community Data & Research Lab at the Johnson Center (Grand Rapids)
2014 - 2015
The Community Research Institute has released the first phase of Community Profiles 2.0 for the Grand Rapids area. This phase aims to build upon CRI's existing work in housing and economics within the City of Grand Rapids.
One of the most important new means for sharing data with the public is our Open Data Site, launched in “beta” form in the spring of 2014. We have been using the tool to publish existing data in our warehouse, prioritizing new content uploads as data requests come from the community through “Ask D3” and as project-related files are completed. We leveraged the Motor City Mapping project to strengthen our ability to provide accessible data to the community at large.
In 2009, Data Driven Detroit (D3) participated in the Detroit Residential Parcel Survey (DRPS), collecting data on roughly 350,000 structures and vacant lots in the city of Detroit. The survey captured information on the physical condition of Detroit’s residential neighborhoods and empty lots. Eventually, passage of time rendered the DRPS dataset less representative of current conditions in the city and thus less useful for decision-makers. In the winter of 2013, the Motor City Mapping project once again undertook the collection of parcel-level data in Detroit. Using teams of resident s
With the Motor City Mapping project providing the best available information about vacancy and blight in Detroit, the city of Detroit now needs to look beyond sheer numbers. Blight removal in Detroit must occur in geographic areas of concentration, rather than the scattered, habitually random, approaches of the past. Addressing blight holistically within specific geographies stops the blight from spreading, treats it, and then creates a strong base for current residents to realize the future.
In Spring 2014, Mayor of Dallas Mike Rawlings gathered the Dallas community and created a Task Force to advise him on substantive, short-term plans to take action against poverty within the city. Dallas, which has the third-highest poverty rate for a city with a population of more than 1 million in the country, faces unique poverty challenges, which continue to disproportionately affect people of color. From 2000 to 2012, Dallas’ poverty increased by 41%, while the population of the city itself overall grew only by 5%. Dr.
Urban Institute recently released two new guidance documents to to build the capacity of communities to use data to address health and improve fair housing and access to opportunity. Both guides draw on the experiences of NNIP and its Partner organizations.
New evidence developed by the Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development (the Poverty Center) at Case Western Reserve University has prompted local government, nonprofit, and community leaders to advance policies that will protect children in rental homes from lead poisoning, and it is shaping how all sectors view the billion-dollar issue of lead hazards and potential solutions.
The project “Mapping Displacement Pressure in Chicago Neighborhoods” illustrates how the Institute of Housing Studies helps people across sectors better understand neighborhood dynamics. Staff developed an indicator to identify neighborhoods at risk of rapid price appreciation, lost housing affordability, and potential displacement.
The Institute for Housing Studies conducted a housing market segmentation analysis of the seven-county region surrounding Chicago, IL, in collaboration with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, and the Metropolitan Planning Council. IHS worked with DePaul’s Department of Predictive Analytics to develop a clustering algorithm to identify communities with similar characteristics regardless of physical proximity.
The City of Chicago commissioned the Institute for Housing Studies to develop data to guide conversations around developing Chicago’s 2019-2023 Five-Year Housing Plan. These data informed a series of three Advisory Group meetings held in June and July 2018 where stakeholders were convened to discuss key housing challenges facing the city and recommend potential solutions.
House price trends are one of the most important indicators of a neighborhood’s economic health. In recent years, a substantial focus has been paid to the importance of house price trends as a national or regional indicator of economic conditions, but growing attention is being paid to the implications uneven price declines and recoveries across neighborhoods have for communities and their residents.
Related Links:
Interactive Cook County House Price Index Web Page
This NNIP-hosted webinar illustrated two examples of how advocates and affordable housing developers and investors can make use of local data on unsubsidized affordable housing to create tailored policies and investments to preserve this housing stock.
The session featured case studies from Chicago and Denver:
Urban Institute (NNIP Coordinator) Institute for Housing Studies (Chicago) Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy (New York) Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)