NLC Seminar: Advancing City Health through Innovative Policies, Data and Partnerships

Mecklenburg County   (Charlotte)
Community Information Now (CINow)   (San Antonio)

March 2017

NNIP participated in this National League of Cities University Training Seminar to share our experience with data-driven partnerships and policymaking with 50 local elected leaders.  John Chesser from Mecklenburg County described the development and value of the neighborhood data in the open-source Quality of Life Explorer to the greater Charlotte community.  Laura McKieran described how the San Antonio Health Collaborative uses neighborhood data in their collective Community Health Needs Assesment to identify geographic disparities and priority health issues.

Seminar description:  Mayors and city leaders play a pivotal role in the overall health and well-being of the cities and towns they serve. Across the county, city leaders are taking action to address the underlying factors that influence health and improve the environments where their residents live, learn, work and play. This seminar is designed to build capacity of city leaders to work across city agencies and engage multi-sector partners toadopt an integrated approach to governing that is data-driven and more comprehensively focuses on health. Additionally, participants will be exposed to partnership strategies that cities can leverage to support and sustain their efforts to build healthier communities.

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