The Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance (BNIA) produced a report for the Executive Director of Baltimore’s Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative, Inc. (HNI, Inc.) that was used to guide the selection of new investment areas. HNI, Inc. targets neighborhoods for improvement that have a strong housing stock, and seem likely to rapidly improve if they receive an infusion of new investments.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 to Saturday, January 1, 2022
The Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) worked alongside St. Louis City departments and the region’s largest home repair providers to shed light on a problem...
A team of researchers from CURA will produce a study of the potential impacts of a rent stabilization policy for the City of Minneapolis. The study will examine...
In Providence, the web-based urban land information system has been created to help community development corporations, city officials and others deal with problem buildings and develop targeted strategies for neighborhood improvement. The Providence Land Information System is an interactive database search and mapping application that contains data on every property in the City of Providence. Along with data on land and buildings from the Assessor's office, it includes data on foreclosures, utility delinquencies, and housing code and health code enforcement actions.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 to Saturday, January 1, 2022
The Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) worked alongside St. Louis City departments and the region’s largest home repair providers to shed light on a problem...
The Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance (BNIA) tracks data on services provided in city neighborhoods. These data have been useful in the efforts of The Brooklyn and Curtis Bay Coalition, an umbrella group of neighborhood organizations, to advocate for better services in their community.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 to Saturday, January 1, 2022
The Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) worked alongside St. Louis City departments and the region’s largest home repair providers to shed light on a problem...
In the fall of 2013, in collaboration with Children’s Mercy Hospital (CMH) of Kansas City, CEI was awarded grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban...
In Nashville, the Neighbors Reaching Out (NRO) Neighborhood Association and the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency (MDHA) worked together to decide how to allocate CDBG funds on a project to improve the living conditions of community residents. Residents were given the opportunity to propose projects. A common theme among their suggestions was concern about homes that are poorly insulated and/or have malfunctioning plumbing systems. From these meetings, a program was proposed that would provide subsidies to fix these problems.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 to Saturday, January 1, 2022
The Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) worked alongside St. Louis City departments and the region’s largest home repair providers to shed light on a problem...
In the fall of 2013, in collaboration with Children’s Mercy Hospital (CMH) of Kansas City, CEI was awarded grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban...
University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh)
The PNCIS is supporting the work of the Homewood Children's Village, an initiative working to improve the environment for children and families in the Homewood neighborhood. The PNCIS is being used to document neighborhood conditions, develop a vacant land management strategy, and create instruments for collecting visual property survey data.
Since 1998, the Nonprofit Center of Milwaukee (NPCM) has been tracking the progress of lead abatement programs by analyzing lead testing results for Milwaukee neighborhoods. They receive record level data on all tests conducted (approximately 12,000 tests per year). They geocode, analyze, and map the test results (see Exhibit 6). These maps and analyses have continued to demonstrate the success of City’s lead abatement and lead testing program. They have helped to justify the continuation of funding and support for the lead testing program.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 to Saturday, January 1, 2022
The Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) worked alongside St. Louis City departments and the region’s largest home repair providers to shed light on a problem...
Urban Institute is excited to announce the NNIP partners in Boston, Durham, New Haven, and San Antonio selected through a competitive Request for Proposals for $50,000...
(Inactive) Network Center for Community Change (Louisville)
November 22, 2011
After viewing the "Community Mapping Campaign" map from the California Neighborhood, Habitat for Humanity of Louisville asked NC3 to produce a map of a specified area in Portland Neighborhood. The NC3 data team walked the study area in order to gather data on the housing conditions located there. The team gathered data on nearly 300 parcels. Data gathered included: utility shut-offs, housing conditions (roof, gutters, siding, windows, etc), vacancy, and neighbors first-hand knowledge about properties.
NeighborhoodInfo DC will continue its tracking of foreclosure activity in Washington, D.C., and the region in 2012. The data we provide are used by local government agencies, community-based nonprofits, and legal assistance providers to help homeowners and renters who are at risk of losing their homes because of foreclosure. We plan to expand our data tracking to include indicators for the foreclosure mediation program implemented in the District of Columbia late last year.
(Inactive) Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (Chicago)
February 18, 2012 to June 30, 2012
CMAP's MetroPulse website is focused on regional indicators, not neighborhood ones. Because of this regional focus, the website has limited value for municipal governments. So we are now creating MetroPulse Local, which displays data at more granular levels such as Census Tract and Parcel.
University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh)
February 1, 2012
Working with the Congress of Neighboring Communities (CONNECT) at the University of Pittsburgh, we are seeking to expand the coverage of the PNCIS to additional municipalities in Allegheny County by developing a sustainable model for gathering and using data across multiple jurisdictions.
In 2010, D3 developed a composite analysis of indicators to illustrate the land use category of each Census Block in the city. This typology analysis is based upon current conditions, not solely zoning or land use, and also illustrates the relative strengths and challenges between different blocks. In 2011, D3 served as a technical partner as CDAD and community groups piloted the framework process in Southwest Detroit with Urban Neighborhood Initiatives and on the Eastside with the Lower Eastside Action Plan.
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012
The Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action is working with the Shelby County Department of Planning and Development and the Greater Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce to evaluate property condition and create an asset inventory for an area branded “Airport City,” surrounding the Memphis International Airport. In partnership with the Center for Community, Criminology and Research (C3R), CBANA analysts are focusing on multifamily housing, commercial, retail and warehousing in the 37,000 parcel area, with a special emphasis on community safety and Crime Prevention Through Environ
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
March 10, 2012
As the curtain closed on the March 10, 2012 performance of “Hurt Village” at the Signature Theatre at Pershing Square in New York, patrons were invited to participate in a panel discussion moderated by award-winning journalist Esther Armah, which included Yale University sociologist Elijah Anderson, CBANA director and University of Memphis sociologist Phyllis Betts, director Patricia McGregor and playwrite Katori Hall (The Mountaintop, Hoodoo Love, and most recently, Hurt Village).
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
April 2012
Originally funded by a grant from the US Department of Justice and designed by CBANA/C3R (working with the Southeast Memphis CDC and Ledic Asset Management) , “Safeways” is a data-driven supportive collaboration among owner/managers, residents, law enforcement, and non-profits to improve safety and quality of life in multifamily housing communities. Owners/managers access training and technical assistance in place management and resident services, and may apply for Safeways Certification.
The Providence Healthy Housing Mapper is the first in a series of interactive mapping sites that The Providence Plan will publish to increase access to a variety of health, economic, demographic, and property information.
This tool was created to provide advocates with easier access to property and lead compliance data in Providence. Use this site to:
View childhood lead exposure in Providence
Find lead remediation history on properties
Find and display a variety of information on properties in your neighborhood
Children's Optimal Health is pleased to announce that we have launched a new website. Many of our maps and all of our published reports are available for download through the site. There is currently no charge for these products, but users are asked to register and let us know how they use our work. Children's Optimal Health works to improve operations, impact policy, engage the community and support research to improve the health and well-being of all children in Central Texas.
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
March 6, 2012
The Poverty Center's Neighborhood Stabilization Team Web Application (NST Web App) was selected as a Leadership in Community Innovation Award finalist. Four finalist groups competed for the award which included $25,000, funded by Key Bank, to go toward continuing projects. While the Center did not win the final award, it was an honor for the NST Web App to be recognized and selected as a finalist.
Prince George’s County, Maryland, has been hard-hit by the housing crisis. Through the first three quarters of 2012, one of every ten homes in Prince George’s County received a Notice of Intent to Foreclose (NOI) which indicates the borrower is in default and must be filed before a servicer can start foreclosure proceedings. In 2011 nearly one in six began the process toward foreclosure. In the last three months in Prince George’s alone, over 30,818 families lost or faced the loss of their homes.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 to Saturday, January 1, 2022
The Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) worked alongside St. Louis City departments and the region’s largest home repair providers to shed light on a problem...
In the fall of 2013, in collaboration with Children’s Mercy Hospital (CMH) of Kansas City, CEI was awarded grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban...
In partnership with the Innovative Housing Institute, Bay Area Economics (DC), and the National Center for Smart Growth, BNIA-JFI will be assisting in (1) Regional Housing Demographic and Market Assessment and (2) Fair Housing Equity Assessment as part of the Sustainable Communities Initiative (Opportunity Collaborative) for the region.
A newly formed Detroit blight task force calls upon many of Detroit's most experienced leadership, including Glenda Prince, Linda Smith and Quicken Loans founder Dan Gilbert.
The Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance-Jacob France Institute (BNIA-JFI) at the University of Baltimore seeks to better understand the equity of access to programs that help households receive energy assistance to make weatherization improvements to reduce energy consumption. BNIA-JFI will study applicants and recipients of funds provided by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development‘s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP).
Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy (New York)
June 2013 - December 2015
New York University’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy is planning to work with the NYC Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence (CIDI) to study the factors that best predict entry into New York City homeless shelters.
Join equity advocates from around the region for a discussion about the region’s key equity priorities, highlighting actions that are being taken – and those that need to be taken – to create a more equitable region. This event will feature keynote remarks by Angela Glover Blackwell, Founder and CEO of PolicyLink, as well as the release of MAPC’s State of Equity in Greater Boston Policy Agenda.
Local advocates will offer remarks on four of the Agenda’s particularly significant recommendations:
Building on the findings resulting from a Lead Technical Studies grant in 2011, ProvPlan, the RI Department of Health, and Brown University have developed a second Lead Technical Studies project scope that extends their current model to use secondary data to assess the effectiveness of lead hazard control activities and regulations.
• Steven Adler, Information Strategist, IBM • Jerry Paffendorf, Co-Founder and CEO, LOVELAND Technologies • Erica Raleigh, Director, DataDrivenDetroit • David Edinger, Chief Performance Officer, City of Denver
“211” call and online systems provide information and referrals to health, human and social service organizations. The data from these systems include information about the services available and about the callers’ requests. More NNIP partners recently have been working with the data or expressed interest in doing so.
In May 2014, D3 launched the 2014 One D Scorecard, an online tool that reports on the status of our region through key data indicators in five Priority Areas: Economic Prosperity, Educational Preparedness, Quality of Life, Social Equity, and Regional Transit. The One D Index also rolls up the over 30 outcome-based indicators composing the five Priority areas into a single comprehensive score to better understand how metro Detroit stacks up across priority areas and other regions overall.
One of the most important new means for sharing data with the public is our Open Data Site, launched in “beta” form in the spring of 2014. We have been using the tool to publish existing data in our warehouse, prioritizing new content uploads as data requests come from the community through “Ask D3” and as project-related files are completed. We leveraged the Motor City Mapping project to strengthen our ability to provide accessible data to the community at large.
A community-based effort led by InterIm Community Development Association (InterIm CDA), Public Health - Seattle & King County, and Swedish Medical Center was awarded a national BUILD Health Challenge grant designed to support community collaborations to give everyone a fair chance to be healthy.
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
June 2015
Lead affects Cleveland children even before kindergarten. In an unpublished report completed in June, Case Western Reserve University and Invest in Children examined the effect of lead poisoning on kids enrolled in the county's universal pre-kindergarten (UPK) programs.
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
November 4, 2015
In an editorial to the Cleveland Plain Dealer on November 1, Poverty Center Co-Director Dr. Rob Fischer discussed the magnitude of the problems from lead exposure on young children.
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
November 9, 2015
Using data from NEO CANDO, Michael Gareau Jr., director of law of North Olmsted, reported that foreclosures in the city have declined from 118 between January 1 through September 30, 2014 to only 65 during the same period of 2015. Gareau explained these findings to the North Olmsted city council on November 4 according to a article.
(Inactive) Center for Economic Information* (Kansas City)
2015 - 2017
CEI is working with Children's Mercy Hosipital to undersand the effects of housing conditions on child health including lead poisoning, childhood asthma and childhood injury. Currently, CEI is developing a model to assess how exterior housing conditions are related to childhood asthma.
In response to a need for more accessible, detailed, and complete housing information for the District of Columbia and its region, the Fannie Mae Foundation and the Urban Institute produced Housing in the Nation's Capital from 2002 to 2009.
The series broke new ground by connecting housing and education, forecasting need for elderly and supportive housing, and documenting the impact of the foreclosure crisis on the Washington DC region.
The Urban Health Collaborative is working with the Home Preservation Initiative (HPI), a collaborative effort that aims to provide high quality and cost-effective home repairs, to demonstrate the health effects of their home repair programs in four neighborhoods in West Philadelphia.
Related Links:
The Influence of the Home Preservation Initiative on the health of Mantua Residents
Following the foreclosure crisis, Oakland faced a serious problem of an increasing number of vacant buildings. Vacant properties, particularly if not well-maintained, can negatively affect the safety and quality of life in a neighborhood and the resulting lower property values reduce the wealth of remaining homeowners. The acquisition of foreclosed properties by investors who either keep the property vacant to sell later and/or are irresponsible about property upkeep can produce similarly harmful neighborhood effects.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 to Saturday, January 1, 2022
The Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) worked alongside St. Louis City departments and the region’s largest home repair providers to shed light on a problem...
Local governments should engage with data intermediary organizations, such as the members of the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership, to more effectively identify priority issues, find new allies, and devise data-driven policies and programs. In addition to their topical, analytic, and community engagement expertise, these organizations bring an understanding of local context, a reputation for impartial analysis, and a set of relationships that spans sectors. Their services build local capacity, including within governments, to use data for better decisionmaking.
The project “Mapping Displacement Pressure in Chicago Neighborhoods” illustrates how the Institute of Housing Studies helps people across sectors better understand neighborhood dynamics. Staff developed an indicator to identify neighborhoods at risk of rapid price appreciation, lost housing affordability, and potential displacement.
The Urban Institute partnered with the National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO) to host a webinar targeted at public health agency staff seeking to discuss the connections between health and housing and the data sources available at the neighbrhood level to inform community health planning. The webinar featured Barbara Laymon from NACCHO, Chelsea Hawkins and Denver Jameson from Durham County, North Carolina Department of Public Health, John Killeen of Data Works NC, and Leah Hendey from NNIPHQ/Urban Institute.
Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy (New York)
October 4, 2018
Making up nearly one million units of the city’s housing stock, rent stabilization programs ensure housing affordability for a significant number of New Yorkers. On October 3rd, 2018 the NYU Furman Center hosted an event to examine the state of rent stabilization programs, tenants, and the effect of regulated units on New York City neighborhoods.
Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy (New York)
December 11, 2018
Close to 1 million apartments in New York City are subject to the state’s rent stabilization laws, which regulate how rents can rise. In June, 2019, those laws are set to expire. On November 29th, 2018 the NYU Furman Center hosted an event to bring experts together to explore ideas for reforming the rent laws.
(Inactive) Center for Economic Information* (Kansas City)
In the fall of 2013, in collaboration with Children’s Mercy Hospital (CMH) of Kansas City, CEI was awarded grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for research into the relationship between environmental housing conditions and the prevalence of certain chronic childhood health conditions, specifically asthma and lead poisoning. This is a three-year initiative.
What happens when quality data are put in the hands of changemakers? As Amy Carroll-Scott shared, “Data doesn’t change lives, advocates armed with data do.” Drexel University’s Urban Health Collaborative (UHC) used their expertise as a data intermediary to support the data needs of frontline practitioners, community-based organizations, and city agencies and elected officials during the COVID-19 crisis.
Data Driven Detroit (D3), Urban Institute, The Data Center
Thursday, September 15, 2022 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Over the past two years, the NNIP Network has elevated how local data are critical tools for communities to address the racial wealth gap and improve racial ...
Data Driven Detroit (D3), Urban Institute, The Data Center
Thursday, September 15, 2022 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Over the past two years, the NNIP Network has elevated how local data are critical tools for communities to address the racial wealth gap and improve racial ...
Data Driven Detroit (D3), Urban Institute, The Data Center
Thursday, September 15, 2022 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Over the past two years, the NNIP Network has elevated how local data are critical tools for communities to address the racial wealth gap and improve racial ...
Panelists focused on “Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing” or NOAH — properties that charge rents considered affordable without public subsidies. This supply is most at risk of becoming unaffordable through market forces or unlivable through deferred maintenance.
Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) (St. Louis)
2020 - 2022
The Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) worked alongside St. Louis City departments and the region’s largest home repair providers to shed light on a problem that had largely been hidden from public view: the enormous unmet need for home repairs in St. Louis.