Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance

Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance

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Cheryl Knott, Assistant Director

The Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance-Jacob France Institute at the University of Baltimore (known as BNIA-JFI) is an organization supported by diverse groups committed to promoting, supporting, and helping people make better decisions using accurate, reliable, and accessible data and indicators to improve the quality of life in Baltimore City neighborhoods.

BNIA-JFI builds on and coordinates the related work of citywide nonprofit organizations, city and state government agencies, neighborhoods, foundations, businesses, and universities to support and strengthen the principle and practice of well informed decision making for change toward strong neighborhoods, improved quality of life, and a thriving city.

Groups and individuals involved with BNIA-JFI contribute their strengths to ensure the following core functions are performed:

  • The Vital Signs - outcome indicators that "take the pulse" of Baltimore neighborhoods by measuring progress toward a shared vision and desired results for strong neighborhoods, good quality of life, and a thriving, vital city over time. These Vital Signs were developed using a comprehensive community driven process and are tracked over time.
  • Technical Assistance and Training Strategy - training on accessing, understanding, and using data, indicators, and the Vital Signs to enhance long-term neighborhood improvement is available by contacting BNIA-JFI staff. This training concentrates on facilitating the use of the Vital Signs in a "results-based approach to decision making" process.  BNIA-JFI staff are also able to provide assistance and training on numerous other topics including: GIS, spatial analysis, understanding data and indicators, and other topics.
  • "One Stop Shop" BNIA-JFI is the first place to go for accessing the Vital Signs and other data about Baltimore and its neighborhoods from a variety of sources in a user-friendly way. Staff can assist users with using the BNIA-JFI website where numerous data and indicators are available, as well as refer users to other data sources if necessary.  BNIA-JFI staff are also able to assist in the identification and collection of data and indicators for a variety of uses.  
Cheryl Knott
Assistant Director
Logan Shertz
Research Analyst