IMPACT served as the NNIP partner from May 2015 through March 2016, but the organization is no longer providing neighborhood data and related services. Stakeholders in Milwaukee have supported the creation of a new nonprofit called Data You Can Use that is committed to the NNIP principles and dedicated to providing neighborhood data and related services. Local funders and partner organizations are solidifying institutional arrangements to establish a sustainable local data intermediary with the support of Urban/NNIP staff. Planning is underway to align efforts with the Milwaukee Data Initiative and the Code for America Brigade, broadening the base and strengthening the effort.
IMPACT's family of services help restore the health and productivity of individuals, organizations and workplaces leading to an improved quality of life for our entire community. For more than 50 years, IMPACT programs have provided the motivation and means for those looking to take the first step toward regaining stability. Headquartered in Southeastern Wisconsin, IMPACT has established a productive collaborative relationship with leading businesses, funders, community stakeholders and other non-profit organizations.
The Planning Council in IMPACT works in partnership with community leaders, decision makers, and service providers that are committed to improving the well-being of residents in Southeastern Wisconsin. Our role is to determine best practices; conduct research; evaluate data; and, assemble stakeholders to address issues such as substance abuse, poverty, public health, violence prevention, diversity, teen pregnancy, infant mortality and mental health.