Unblight: a national community unconference on housing and property data
August 15, 2014 - August 16, 2014
Unblight will bring together community advocates, technologists, journalists, policy makers and students interested in exchanging ideas and sharing lessons about combating blight and repurposing abandoned parts of our cities.
Unblight will be an unstructured conference where participants will determine the agenda by proposing session ideas or topics of housing issues they care about the most. We will then complete the agenda on the day of (based on the ideas submitted by the participants).
One of the top themes that emerged in the response to our survey was that the public wants to be part of the efforts aimed at fixing the blight problem and other housing-related issues. Other top issues included:
- Abandoned lots
- Public engagement
- Mapping and visualization
- Foreclosure prevention
- Policy
- Housing data collection
Mercer University
, GA
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