NNIP Showcase 2024, Part 3 - Health Equity in Connecticut 2023

Presentation by Kelly Davila
September 25, 2024

DataHaven   (New Haven - Connecticut)

This presentation was part of the first idea showcase session at the NNIP September 2024 partners' meeting.

In 2023, DataHaven collected de-identified, record-level mortality data from the Connecticut Department of Public Health. This enabled us to analyze trends by race/ethnicity and geography in our state, and to establish a more direct link between social determinants of health and health outcomes. We collected some of this data in our report, “Health Equity in Connecticut, 2023.” This session summarized some of the mortality analyses we completed for the report and showcased some graphics we created to help the public visualize disparities.

Event Name: 
NNIP Partners Meeting, September 2024