University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh)
September 2012 - April 2013
UCSUR has continued its brown bag speakers series in 2012-2013. It provides a great way for us to engbage the community and share the great work of many working on interesting research. Speakers include many of our NNIP partners.
In 2013, NNIP launched a three-year cross-site project, Connecting People and Place, supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation to expand the relevance of integrated data systems (IDS) for local policy, increase access to information in IDS, and connect IDS with data on neighborhoods. An integrated data system is a system linking individual-level records from multiple government agencies on a periodic basis.
The Hartford Public Library (home of HartfordInfo) partnered with the City of Hartford, the Hartford Police Department, and the Metro Hartford Alliance to host: Together Again: Celebrating Action!
The event, hosted at the city library, was designed for community memebers to share the ideas generated during the three prior "Community Conversations" sessions, provide updates on actions taken since the conversations, and find ways to work together across neighborhood lines to improve the quality of life throughout the city of Hartford.
The Providence Plan (ProvPlan) is studying neighborhood civic engagement levels and their relation to such factors as education, health, and workforce participation. ProvPlan will examine various levels of civic engagement from participation in AmeriCorps to neighborhood voting levels. The project seeks to understand the specific neighborhood and individual factors that drive engagement, how past experiences with civic engagement influence future engagement, and whether or not engagement is concentrated in specific neighborhoods.
University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh)
May 31, 2014
Pittsburgh Neighborhood and Community Information System is participating in the National Day of Civic Hacking next Saturday (5/31) with an “Open House” event in Homewood with Open Pittsburgh. Many great activities on-tap.
As part of the National Day of Civic Hacking, OpenDataSTL organized Build for STL, a weekend-long event which included a hackathon, training sessions, and the launch of the Code for America Brigade in Saint Louis. In addition, OpenDataSTL partnered with other local organizations who organized co-events, including a community garden project and an OpenStreetMap Editathon.
(Inactive) Center for Economic Information* (Kansas City)
May 31, 2014
City Camp KC, Kansas CIty's annual civic unconference occurred this year on May 31, to coordinate with the National Day of Civic Hacking. The theme was Startups and the City, and topics included startup communities, ridesharing, the DIY city, Code For America Brigade, open civic data, women in tech and startups, the wired city, civic tech, social media and advocacy, adaptive reuse, and the tech workforce. The National Day of Civic Hacking activities included helping increase digital literacy.
The Code for America Brigade in Providence hosted a Wiki-A-Thon to celebrate the National Day of Civic Hacking. At the event, participants contributed content to the newly-created Local Wiki RI, including personal stories and general knowledge, some coders also helped design some parts of the wiki, and helped to upload large datasets.
(Inactive) Nonprofit Center of Milwaukee (Milwaukee)
May 31, 2014 to June 1, 2014
The Milwaukee Data Initiativein coalition with local developers, the City of Milwaukee, the County of Milwaukee and BucketWorks to tackle local data projects as part of the National Day of Civic Hacking. Participants included open data supporters, designers, programmers and data analysts from around the state, who created open data applications, data scrapers, maps and data sets.
(Inactive) Network Center for Community Change (Louisville)
May 31, 2014
Hack for Change Louisville was organized to conencide with the National Day of Civic Hacking. This day-long event focused on building five projects: WFPL Radio's Curious City project, a pet adoption search based on information from the City's open data portal, a recreation of Louisville with Minecraft, and two projects for NNIP Partner Network Center for Community Change: a neighborhood explorer built through Open Street Map, and Shareabouts, a way for locals to share positive locations and memories in their neighborhoods.
Oakland Answers 2014, held in coordination with the National Day of Civic Hacking, was a combined writeathon and civic hackathon. The event invited writers to contribute information to the Oakland Answers website, in addition to inviting coders to contribute to current Code for America projects, including, open budget oakland, oakland data, oakland wiki, and others.
In September of 2013 we launched our new name and brand with the “Pop Up Street Party”. Now that we have been using the name Rise for almost year we created a new name for our yearly event. The festival is part of our continuing efforts to raise awareness about the importance of the revitalization of the St. Louis metropolitan area. Our work provides invaluable connections that have a positive and lasting impact on people, the neighborhoods they live in, the economy and the region.
(Inactive) (Inactive) The Reinvestment Fund (Philadelphia)
July 30, 2014
Philadelphia City Council on Wednesday announced a comprehensive strategy using data analysis, mapping technology and community engagement to empower Philadelphia’s leaders to craft policies that will improve the quality of life in each of the City’s neighborhoods.
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
October 2, 2014
Professor Mark Chupp is one of several distinguished experts on a panel for a civic forum, “The Three Forms of Capital: Why Human and Social Capital are the Building Blocks for Healthy, Stable Societies.” It is an eve
SA2020 is a community visioning and collective impact initiative focused on 11 cause areas. CI:Now collects and analyzes the data to report indicators of progress in these areas, also working to shed light on critical disparities by race/ethnicity, gender, age group, and neighborhood.
“211” call and online systems provide information and referrals to health, human and social service organizations. The data from these systems include information about the services available and about the callers’ requests. More NNIP partners recently have been working with the data or expressed interest in doing so.
Check out our first Idea Showcase of 2015 and work your fellow NNIP partners are doing:
Eleanor Tutt (St. Louis) and Bob Gradeck (Pittsburgh) will present on their idea to hold regular NNIP Twitter Chats. Jessica McInchak (Detroit) will present on their work on Urban Innovators and Josh Wheeling will demonstrate Camden's new vacancy map.
Plus, their will be updates from NNIPHQ including a brief review of the guide we just produced for partners who host NNIP Meetings.
In May 2014, D3 launched the 2014 One D Scorecard, an online tool that reports on the status of our region through key data indicators in five Priority Areas: Economic Prosperity, Educational Preparedness, Quality of Life, Social Equity, and Regional Transit. The One D Index also rolls up the over 30 outcome-based indicators composing the five Priority areas into a single comprehensive score to better understand how metro Detroit stacks up across priority areas and other regions overall.
Presented by the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, What Makes a City? was an event that brough civic and community leaders together to discuss a shared vision of opportunites and challenges for Dallas. Senior Research Associate Sara Mokuria had the opportunity to participate as a panelist discussing young leaders in Dallas. She was also asked to write an op-ed regarding her vision for Dallas' future.
On November 8th, 2014, the Institute for Urban Policy Research in conjunction with several other organizations in the area, hosted the first ever youth summit dedicated to exploring the topics of race, justice, and identity here in Dallas. 72 students from across the city were invited to participate in the day-long event, which featured workshops that touched on relevant subjects such as race, education, sports, and culture.
Capital One philanthropic mission includes a comprehensive giving program to help build the future of communities for Capital One’s customers and associates across the U.S. These programs, known as Placed Based Initiatives (PBI), can be found in communities in Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Virginia, and Washington D.C. Each PBI offers support and development based on the community’s individual and unique needs through strong, collaborative partnerships with organizations, businesses, and community members within the neighborhood.
The UNC Charlotte Urban Institute sponsored free neighborhood workshops March 3 and March 7, to offer residents ways they could learn more about their neighborhoods. The workshops were intended, in part, to encourage residents to organize Jane's Walks through their neighborhoods the first weekend in May.
(Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies (Portland)
July 2015
Funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, this study by the Population Research Center and the Center for Public Service at PSU examines the demographics of voters in local elections in 4 U.S.
GlobalHack teams will work together with the Civic Tech for Social Impact Collaborative - including St. Louis County, Rise Community Development, and OpenDataSTL - to create technology solutions to make it easier for people to navigate the criminal justice system and resolve their issues faster. GlobalHack hopes that the solutions developed during these civic hackathons can be implemented not just locally, but nationally as well.
From 2014 to 2018, the Civic Tech and Data Collaborative (CTDC) brought together local government officials, civic technologists, and community data organizations across seven communities to explore how to harness data and technology to benefit low-income residents. Three national organizations with local networks - Living Cities, Code for America, and the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership – guided the initiative Local collaboratives in Boston, St. Louis, and Washington, DC created products that use data and technology in new ways to improve services or programs in their cities.
The 2016 Connecticut Civic Health Index is a report published under the auspices of the National Conference of Citizenship (NCOC), in partnership with Connecticut Secretary of State Denise Merrill, Everyday Democracy, DataHaven, and other members of the Connecticut Civic Health Advisory Group.
Institute for Urban Policy Research (Dallas) Data Driven Detroit (D3) (Detroit) Shift Research Lab (Denver*)
October 2015
On October 20th, one day prior to the opening of the Fall NNIP meeting, the Institute for Urban Policy Research, Capital One, and the Collin County Business Alliance (CCBA) convened a group of experts to discuss regional planning and the future of Collin County, which includes most of Dallas' northern suburbs.
This past summer, D3 was privileged to partner with the Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation and the Next Gen Board in piloting an innovative, community-based internship program. Each intern created and worked on a community-focused project, proposed to the D3 team during a highly competitive application process. In addition, each intern received mentorship and professional development under the program.
Austin College, a liberal arts college in Sherman, Texas (located approximately 60 miles North of Dallas) will be hosting their annual Public Administration Symposium on November 12, 2015. In addition to a keynote by Reginald Hatter, executive director of Workshop Houston, the symposium will include an afternoon panel discussion titled "Combining Nonprofit Passion & Academic Research into Smart Urban Planning." This panel will include Director Timothy Bray and Associate Director Anthony Galvan of the Institute for Urban Policy Research at the University of Texas at Dallas.
IMPACT, Inc. has been chosen as a finalist for Azavea's Summer of Maps program for a proposal relating to mapping voting and polling places in Milwaukee. Winners will be selected in May.
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
December 1, 2015
Severance Town Center in Cleveland Heights went into foreclosure this past June. Dr. Mark Chupp, a faculty associate of the Poverty Center, participated in a public forum about the troubled retail property as reported by Freshwater Cleveland in "Cleveland Heights residents voice their ideas for a city landmark" on November 19, 2015.
Local government and nonprofit staff need data and technology skills to regularly monitor local conditions and design programs that achieve more effective outcomes. Tailored training is essential to help them gain the knowledge and confidence to leverage these indispensable tools. A recent survey of organizations that provide data and technology training documented current practices and how such training should be expanded.
In 2014, we began holding virtual idea showcases after partners expressed the desire for more NNIP conversations between in-person meetings. Thanks to Idea Showcases, partners have shared their work and found new opportunities for collaboration with fellow NNIPers. Our second Idea Showcase of 2016 came back by popular demand!
In 2014, we began holding virtual idea showcases after partners expressed the desire for more NNIP conversations between in-person meetings. Thanks to Idea Showcases, partners have shared their work and found new opportunities for collaboration with fellow NNIPers.
NNIP HQ started with a quick update on network activities including details about upcoming conferences and overall NNIP goals. Then, each presenter had 5 minutes to talk about potential, current, or completed work.
The Mid-America Regional Council is seeking participation in an important workshop about connecting parks, green spaces, trails, rainwater infrastructure and people within vibrant, healthy, living systems.
(Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies (Portland)
Who actually votes in municipal elections? Where do the most frequent voters and nonvoters live? How are key demographic traits like age, race and ethnicity, income, and education related to voting patterns and behavior?
(Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies (Portland)
May 2017
Neighborhood Pulse, a portal for information about the Portland region’s neighborhoods: how they are changing, who lives there, and the issues of interest to the region’s leaders and residents, has added a new data story about Portland's growing Somali community. Follow the diaspora from East Africa to the Pacific Northwest and learn how a community is being built in the Lents neighborhood.
The Greater Hartford Neighborhood Data Hub program, managed by DataHaven, is designed to support the more effective curation, collection, sharing, and use of local-level cross-sector data within Hartford. This public service program creates a sustainable and independent entity to measure improved outcomes and reduced inequities using accurate and impartial data on the region and its neighborhoods.
Excerpt on new DataHaven / Community Foundation report from The Day, New London: A recently released report commissioned by the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut details inequities faced by women in New London and Windham counties in the realms of economic security, education, health and well-being, and leadership.
Related Links:
New report details inequities for women in eastern Connecticut
The UNC Charlotte Urban Institute held another successful round of City Walks in May 2018. A total of 27 walks were offered, and over 400 people participated in at least one walk.
Urban Institute (NNIP Coordinator) The Polis Center (Indianapolis) Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA) (Columbus) Community Data & Research Lab at the Johnson Center (Grand Rapids) Data Driven Detroit (D3) (Detroit)
Since 2022, the CT Data Collaborative has managed the Hartford Youth Data Fellowship - a program for Hartford youth ages 17-24 that provides them with tools and experiences needed to engage and analyze data about their communities. Youth are recruited to participated in a five-month after-school program, during which they participate in workshops on data literacy, analysis, and visualizations. Youth also serve as co-researchers as they trace the connections between their lived experiences and its impact on their own development.