BNIA-JFI completed the first phase of research as part of a NNIP cross-site project examining the affects of foreclosures on children. This project identified both the number and characteristics of children affected by foreclosure in Baltimore City’s neighborhoods from the 2003-2004 to the 2008-2009 school year, providing a picture of the demographic, neighborhood, schools, and housing characteristics.
The Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance (BNIA) produced a report for the Executive Director of Baltimore’s Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative, Inc. (HNI, Inc.) that was used to guide the selection of new investment areas. HNI, Inc. targets neighborhoods for improvement that have a strong housing stock, and seem likely to rapidly improve if they receive an infusion of new investments.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 to Saturday, January 1, 2022
The Community Innovation and Action Center (CIAC) worked alongside St. Louis City departments and the region’s largest home repair providers to shed light on a problem...
A team of researchers from CURA will produce a study of the potential impacts of a rent stabilization policy for the City of Minneapolis. The study will examine...
The Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development, a research institute housed at Case Western Reserve University's Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, has been working with Cleveland’s Strategic Investment Initiative (SII) to address the problem of vacant and abandoned properties and stimulate market recovery in six Cleveland neighborhoods since February of 2005.
A team of researchers from CURA will produce a study of the potential impacts of a rent stabilization policy for the City of Minneapolis. The study will examine...
The cross-site project, Addressing the Foreclosure Crisis, aimed to help local stakeholders in Atlanta, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. design more effective data-driven strategies to address the foreclosure crisis.
Project Tasks
Analyze the neighborhood and metropolitan market conditions to assess the risk of foreclosure, and the possible impacts expected by different types of neighborhoods.
In partnership with Urban Institute, we convened a group of key policy makers around the second edition of Housing in the New Orleans Metro Annual Report, “Optimizing Blight Strategies”. Speakers included Kathy Petit from the Urban Institute, Allan Mallach from the Center for Community Progress, and Allison Plyer from GNOCDC.
CURA and the Federal Reserve Bank Minneapolis Branch co-hosted a conference in Minneapolis on Utilizing Data to Manage Neighborhood Change. The 100 participants included staff from nonprofits, city agencies, research organizations, and residents. Along with CURA’s nonprofit partners, Jeff Matson presented their newly released Housing Market Index for North Minneapolis during the opening panel. Kathy Pettit from the Urban Institute was the luncheon speaker, describing NNIP and telling the stories of how neighborhood data has been used to address housing issues by the Pittsburgh and Washi
The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and the Federal Reserve Board are co-hosting an interactive conference in Baltimore, Maryland on creative uses of data and technology to promote public and private investment in transitional communities. The purpose of the convening is to bring together community stakeholders to discuss ways of using data to make more strategic neighborhood stabilization decisions given limited resources.
Emory’s Office of University-Community Partnerships (OUCP) is assisting DeKalb County with the preparation of their five-year consolidated plan for HUD and as part of that effort will be helping them launch a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization initiative, modeled in part, after the New Communities program in Chicago.
University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh)
March 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012
The PNCIS and education researchers at the University of Pittsburgh are convening a group of interested stakeholders from education and community development fields to develop a common research agenda to guide our work. Many in Pittsburgh are interested in learning more about how families choose schools and communities, and how the Pittsburgh Promise is influencing these decisions. The Pittsburgh Promise offers a scholarship of up to $10,000 per year to students of a Pittsburgh Public or Pittsburgh Charter school in pursuit of their postsecondary education.
University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh)
February 1, 2012
Working with the Congress of Neighboring Communities (CONNECT) at the University of Pittsburgh, we are seeking to expand the coverage of the PNCIS to additional municipalities in Allegheny County by developing a sustainable model for gathering and using data across multiple jurisdictions.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and the Federal Reserve Board are co-hosting an interactive conference in Baltimore, Maryland on creative uses of data and technology to promote public and private investment in transitional communities. The purpose of the convening is to bring together community stakeholders to discuss ways of using data to make more strategic neighborhood stabilization decisions given limited resources. This conference helps to highlight the overall NNIP model as well as partners efforts locally. It will feature discussions with local NNIP partners from Baltimore, Cl
D3 has summarized key neighborhood indicators for Detroit’s North End Neighborhood and adjacent areas as part of the Woodward Corridor Initiative. This neighborhood snapshot includes three general sections: 1) demographic and socio-economic characteristics; 2) housing characteristics and market overview; and 3) an inventory of schools in and around the North End Neighborhood.
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012
The Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action is working with the Shelby County Department of Planning and Development and the Greater Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce to evaluate property condition and create an asset inventory for an area branded “Airport City,” surrounding the Memphis International Airport. In partnership with the Center for Community, Criminology and Research (C3R), CBANA analysts are focusing on multifamily housing, commercial, retail and warehousing in the 37,000 parcel area, with a special emphasis on community safety and Crime Prevention Through Environ
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
March 6, 2012
The Poverty Center's Neighborhood Stabilization Team Web Application (NST Web App) was selected as a Leadership in Community Innovation Award finalist. Four finalist groups competed for the award which included $25,000, funded by Key Bank, to go toward continuing projects. While the Center did not win the final award, it was an honor for the NST Web App to be recognized and selected as a finalist.
University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh)
January 2013 - May 2013
UCSUR is currently studying the residential housing market in South Pittsburgh’s Hilltop communities. This analysis will help the Hilltop Alliance and stakeholders in member neighborhoods better understand the underlying market dynamics at work in the area, and also serve to inform a larger community housing market discussion to be convened by the Hilltop Alliance at conclusion of the research effort.
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
November 25, 2013
A central resource for research and information about creating and sustaining mixed-income communities has launched with resources available online at at Case Western Reserve University.
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
November 9, 2015
Using data from NEO CANDO, Michael Gareau Jr., director of law of North Olmsted, reported that foreclosures in the city have declined from 118 between January 1 through September 30, 2014 to only 65 during the same period of 2015. Gareau explained these findings to the North Olmsted city council on November 4 according to a article.
Turning the Corner: Monitoring Neighborhood Change to Prevent Displacement piloted a research model in five cities to monitor neighborhood change, drive informed government action, and support displacement prevention and inclusive revitalization.The project was guided by the Urban Institute’s National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership and the Federal Reserve-Philanthropy Initiative, a collaboration between the Restoring Prosperity in Older Industrial Cities Working Group of the Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities and sev
Report - By: Gretchen Nicholls, LISC Twin Cities | Brian Pittman, Wilder Research | Ela Rausch, Federal Reserve Board of Minneapolis | Jeff Matson, University of Minnesota
(Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies (Portland)
April 2018
IMS is working with the City of Milwaukie to write a Housing Affordability Strategy. It will serve as an overarching framework, combining existing land use inventory, needs assessments, and housing policy analysis with additional research. Among other measures, Milwaukie is pursuing code changes that would expand the range of permissible housing types.
Across the Indianapolis region, neighborhoods have experienced rapid cultural changes and shifting housing demand. In June, The Polis Center facilitated a community conversation about neighborhood-level demographic changes across the region from 1970 to today, exploring the trends of suburbanization, gentrification, and suburban redevelopment.
The Institute for Housing Studies conducted a housing market segmentation analysis of the seven-county region surrounding Chicago, IL, in collaboration with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, and the Metropolitan Planning Council. IHS worked with DePaul’s Department of Predictive Analytics to develop a clustering algorithm to identify communities with similar characteristics regardless of physical proximity.
The City of Chicago commissioned the Institute for Housing Studies to develop data to guide conversations around developing Chicago’s 2019-2023 Five-Year Housing Plan. These data informed a series of three Advisory Group meetings held in June and July 2018 where stakeholders were convened to discuss key housing challenges facing the city and recommend potential solutions.
IHS analyzed which Chicago neighborhoods are adding or losing households at different income levels, broke down some of the different patterns and trends that emerge from the data, and let users explore the variation in Chicago neighborhoods through charts and an interactive map.
Related Links:
Understanding Household Income Shifts in Chicago Neighborhoods
House price trends are one of the most important indicators of a neighborhood’s economic health. In recent years, a substantial focus has been paid to the importance of house price trends as a national or regional indicator of economic conditions, but growing attention is being paid to the implications uneven price declines and recoveries across neighborhoods have for communities and their residents.
Related Links:
Interactive Cook County House Price Index Web Page
Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy (New York)
October 4, 2018
Making up nearly one million units of the city’s housing stock, rent stabilization programs ensure housing affordability for a significant number of New Yorkers. On October 3rd, 2018 the NYU Furman Center hosted an event to examine the state of rent stabilization programs, tenants, and the effect of regulated units on New York City neighborhoods.
Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy (New York)
December 11, 2018
Close to 1 million apartments in New York City are subject to the state’s rent stabilization laws, which regulate how rents can rise. In June, 2019, those laws are set to expire. On November 29th, 2018 the NYU Furman Center hosted an event to bring experts together to explore ideas for reforming the rent laws.
The Center for Urban Studies at the University of Buffalo led the local Turning the Corner research, collaborating with the city Urban Renewal Authority and planning departments on the engagement activities. Buffalo and Phoenix were the two non-NNIP cities participating in the project. The project was funded by the Ralph Wilson, Jr. Foundation in coordination with the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo.
In 2019, the City of Chicago embarked on a new Five-Year Housing Plan that aims to promote growth through equitable neighborhood development. Developed by the city’s Department of Planning and Development, the plan was informed by a partnership with the Institute for Housing Studies (IHS) at DePaul University.
A team of researchers from CURA will produce a study of the potential impacts of a rent stabilization policy for the City of Minneapolis. The study will examine market trends and existing conditions in the city's rental housing stock, population and income trends over the past 20 years, and the city's rent affordability gap. The CURA team will also produce an analysis of the potential economic impact of different types of rent stabilization policies. CURA will provide a summary of the experience of other cities who have enacted rent stabilization.
The Central Ohio Regional Housing Strategy was a collaborative effort by public and private partners across the Central Ohio Region, led by MORPC, the City of Columbus, and Franklin County, to comprehensively evaluate and identify strategies to meet current and future housing needs.
Housing instability has long been a concern in Shelby County, Tennessee, with eviction filings averaging more than 30,000 annually between 2016 and 2019. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic created an even greater need for Memphians to focus on stabilizing renters’ housing situations.
Data Driven Detroit (D3), Urban Institute, The Data Center
Thursday, September 15, 2022 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Over the past two years, the NNIP Network has elevated how local data are critical tools for communities to address the racial wealth gap and improve racial ...
Data Driven Detroit (D3), Urban Institute, The Data Center
Thursday, September 15, 2022 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Over the past two years, the NNIP Network has elevated how local data are critical tools for communities to address the racial wealth gap and improve racial ...
Data Driven Detroit (D3), Urban Institute, The Data Center
Thursday, September 15, 2022 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Over the past two years, the NNIP Network has elevated how local data are critical tools for communities to address the racial wealth gap and improve racial ...
Our legacy of racism in US policies and practice – before and through emancipation, reconstruction, and Jim Crow – has sustained a distressing gap in wealth. Specific systemic actions and institutional bias - in education, employment, housing, banking, and public policy - created and widened the racial wealth gap. Such conditions inhibit wealth building opportunities for Black people and maintain inequitable disparities across critical needs to live a full life.
Two- to four-unit residential buildings account for a quarter of Chicago’s housing units and compose a substantial share of unsubsidized affordable housing, particularly in Black and Latino communities. Community organizations witnessed the deconversion of these buildings into single-family homes, which often raised the cost of housing in the market.