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Recent research shows trail networks help achieve climate resilience, improve public health, and increase economic prosperity. The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) provided data and...
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[read more]Black, Indigenous, and people of color experience worse social, economic, and health outcomes in King County, Washington. A long history and persistence of structural racism causes these...
[read more]Regional businesses have an important role in advancing racial equity in their communities. A group of chief executives and business leaders in San Antonio, Texas, came together after George Floyd...
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[read more]Housing instability has long been a concern in Shelby County, Tennessee, with eviction...
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[read more]What happens when quality data are put in the hands of changemakers? As Amy Carroll-Scott shared, “Data doesn’t change lives,...
[read more]Cities across the US have become especially interested in building economic mobility and resilience as they recover from the COVID-...
[read more]Harnessing interdisciplinary expertise and perspectives, the Black Equity Coalition (BEC) in Pittsburgh successfully used data to...
[read more]Baltimore, known for being the birthplace of racially restrictive zoning, continues to be one of the most segregated cities in the United States. The impact of segregation has meant some...
[read more]Children don't get to choose where they are born. But in Bexar County, Texas, where San Antonio is located, current death data shows that children born in neighborhoods immediately to the east and...
[read more]The right data, in the right hands, can help advance action on tough issues like under-employment. For 25 years, DataHaven, a nonprofit in New Haven,...
[read more]Do cities distribute their capital improvement funds equitably across neighborhoods? It is hard to find a good answer to that question anywhere. Why? Because, given the hard work and definitional...
[read more]For a more complete case study of this experience, see Chapter 6 of Strengthening Communities with Neighborhood Data, by G. Thomas...
[read more]Based on data in the Health of King County 2006 and Communities Count 2005 reports from the County public health department (Public Health Seattle-King County - PHSKC), knowledge...
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