Turning the Corner: Monitoring Neighborhood Change to Prevent Displacement

Funder: The Kresge Foundation
Contact: Kathryn Pettit kpettit@urban.org
Date: January 2016 - March 2019

Turning the Corner

Turning the Corner: Monitoring Neighborhood Change to Prevent Displacement piloted a research model in five cities to monitor neighborhood change, drive informed government action, and support displacement prevention and inclusive revitalization.The project was guided by the Urban Institute’s National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership and the Federal Reserve-Philanthropy Initiative, a collaboration between the Restoring Prosperity in Older Industrial Cities Working Group of the Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities and several Federal Reserve district banks. Turning the Corner was motivated by a desire to understand neighborhood revitalization and related displacement pressures in cities with recovering or moderately strong housing markets.

Local teams in Buffalo, New York; Detroit, Michigan; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Phoenix, Arizona; and the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota) conducted independent research to understand neighborhood change and displacement risk in their communities. Key design elements included qualitative and quantitative methods to capture various aspects of neighborhood change; exploration of various types of displacement, such as residential, cultural, and commercial; and practical application of research to urgent program and policy questions through local advisory groups.


Synthesis Documents


Resources for Communities to Monitor Change


See the recording of the May 2019 webinar.




Participating Partners:

Data Driven Detroit (D3)
Center for Urban and Regional Affairs
Data You Can Use