Housing Markets

The Central Ohio Regional Housing Strategy was a collaborative effort by public and private partners across the Central Ohio Region, led by MORPC, the City... [read more]
A team of researchers from CURA will produce a study of the potential impacts of a rent stabilization policy for the City of Minneapolis. The study will examine market trends and... [read more]
The Center for Urban Studies at the University of Buffalo led the local Turning the Corner research, collaborating with the... [read more]
On March 6th, the NYU Furman Center hosted over 200 participants for the policy breakfast “... [read more]
Close to 1 million apartments in New York City are subject to the state’s rent stabilization laws, which regulate how rents can rise. In June, 2019, those laws are set to expire. On November... [read more]
House price trends are one of the most important indicators of a neighborhood’s economic health. In recent years, a substantial focus has been paid to the importance of house price trends as a... [read more]
Making up nearly one million units of the city’s housing stock, rent stabilization programs ensure housing affordability for a significant number of New Yorkers. On October 3rd, 2018 the NYU... [read more]
IHS analyzed which Chicago neighborhoods are adding or losing households at different income levels, broke down some of the different patterns and trends that emerge from the data, and let users... [read more]
The City of Chicago commissioned the Institute for Housing Studies to develop data to guide conversations around developing Chicago’s 2019-2023 Five-Year Housing Plan. These data informed a series... [read more]
Across the Indianapolis region, neighborhoods have experienced rapid cultural changes and shifting housing demand. In June, The Polis Center facilitated a... [read more]
IMS is working with the City of Milwaukie to write a Housing Affordability Strategy. It will serve as an overarching framework, combining existing land use inventory, needs assessments, and... [read more]
The Institute for Housing Studies conducted a housing market segmentation analysis of the seven-county region surrounding Chicago, IL, in collaboration with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for... [read more]
Using data from NEO CANDO, Michael Gareau Jr., director of law of North Olmsted, reported that foreclosures in the city have declined from... [read more]
A central resource for research and information about creating and sustaining mixed-income communities has launched with resources available online at http://nimc.... [read more]
UCSUR is currently studying the residential housing market in South Pittsburgh’s Hilltop communities. This analysis will help the Hilltop Alliance and stakeholders in member neighborhoods better... [read more]
The Poverty Center's Neighborhood Stabilization Team Web Application (NST Web App) was selected as a... [read more]
The PNCIS and education researchers at the University of Pittsburgh are convening a group of interested stakeholders from education and community development fields to develop a common research... [read more]
D3 has summarized key neighborhood indicators for Detroit’s North End Neighborhood and adjacent areas as part of the Woodward Corridor Initiative. This neighborhood snapshot includes three general... [read more]
Working with the Congress of Neighboring Communities (CONNECT) at the University of Pittsburgh, we are seeking to expand the coverage of the PNCIS to additional municipalities in Allegheny County... [read more]
Emory’s Office of University-Community Partnerships (OUCP) is assisting DeKalb County with the preparation of their five-year consolidated plan for HUD and as part of that effort will be helping... [read more]
The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and the Federal Reserve Board are co-hosting an interactive conference in Baltimore, Maryland on creative uses of data and technology to promote public and... [read more]
The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and the Federal Reserve Board are co-hosting an interactive conference in Baltimore, Maryland on creative uses of data and technology to promote public and... [read more]
CURA and the Federal Reserve Bank Minneapolis Branch co-hosted a conference in Minneapolis on Utilizing Data to Manage Neighborhood Change. The 100 participants included staff from nonprofits,... [read more]
The Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action is working with the Shelby County Department of Planning and Development and the Greater Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce to evaluate... [read more]
In partnership with Urban Institute, we convened a group of key policy makers around the second edition of Housing in the New Orleans Metro Annual Report, “Optimizing Blight Strategies”. Speakers... [read more]
BNIA-JFI completed the first phase of research as part of a NNIP cross-site project examining the affects of foreclosures on children. This project identified both the number and... [read more]
Turning the Corner: Monitoring Neighborhood Change to Prevent Displacement piloted a research model in five cities to monitor neighborhood change,... [read more]
Our legacy of racism in US policies and practice – before and through emancipation, reconstruction, and Jim Crow – has sustained a distressing gap in wealth. Specific systemic actions and... [read more]
The cross-site project, Addressing the Foreclosure Crisis, aimed to help local stakeholders in Atlanta, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. design more effective data-driven strategies to... [read more]
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Two- to four-unit residential buildings account for a quarter of Chicago’s housing units and compose a substantial share of unsubsidized affordable housing, particularly in Black and Latino...
[read more]Housing instability has long been a concern in Shelby County, Tennessee, with eviction...
[read more]The Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development, a research institute housed at Case Western Reserve University's Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, has been working with Cleveland’s...
[read more]The Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance (BNIA) produced a report for the Executive Director of Baltimore’s Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative, Inc. (HNI, Inc.) that was used to guide the...
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