Open Data

Community Information Now (CINow) (San Antonio)
Neighborhood Nexus (Atlanta)
In late 2023 the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) launched an Impact Storytelling Fellowship to support... [read more]
As part of the Regional Data Agenda with the Regional Data Advisory Committee, MORPC and... [read more]
Community Insight is a platform for displaying data about local communities, understanding community opportunities and needs, and targeting efforts for advancing equity. We draw on multiple... [read more]
In 2019, Innovate Memphis launched the quarterly Civic Data Forum to convene local neighborhood data stakeholders and partners, to change the culture of ad-hoc and “one-off” data sharing... [read more]
The Civic Switchboard program funded two NNIP Partners in 2020, DataWorks NC and The Polis Center. Learn more about their projects and... [read more]
The purpose of Sunlight Foundation's Community Data Dialogues playbook is to help jump-start community action, providing stories about how open data advocates have co-designed, collaborated, and... [read more]
Data Days CLE 2019 will be held at the Case Western Reserve University Tinkham Veale University Center on April 15. Keynote speaker Troy Thibodeaux will share his experience using data to tell... [read more]
At the request of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, which funds the KIDS COUNT network, the authors conducted research to explore how these state data efforts couldbring greater benefits... [read more]
We have launched the Northwest Open Data Exchange (NODE), a platform that pulls together the immense quantities of open data generated by PSU faculty,... [read more]
On Thursday, March 15, the Sunlight Foundation hosted The State of Open Government, a... [read more]
NNIP Partners shared lessons with nonprofit and advocacy organizations participating in the Citi... [read more]
Cleveland's first annual celebration of civic technology, data, and the doers working to improve the region through civic tech and open data. Data Days: CTL+ALT+CLE was held March 2-4, 2017 and... [read more]
Given the threat that government datasets may be removed from the open web, Rice University’s Fondren library, with involvement from the Kinder Institute's and other Rice faculty, is joining an... [read more]
This event is designed to solicit input from stakeholders from non-profits, religious organizations, city and county government, industry partners, foundations, healthcare providers and academia... [read more]
(Inactive) Metropolitan Council / MetroGIS (Minneapolis-St. Paul)
Community matters as the forum for bringing people together to solve problems. Geography matters because community concerns are tied to a place. Technology matters because it provides a tool to... [read more]
Several NNIP partners applied for the latest Knight News Challenge asking "How might we make data work for individuals and communities?"
... [read more]
GlobalHack teams will work together with the Civic Tech for Social Impact Collaborative - including St. Louis County, Rise Community Development, and OpenDataSTL - to create... [read more]
At Data Driven Detroit we’ve created a new data portal front page that is more aesthetically pleasing, simpler to navigate and more intuitive. The redesign simplified the site, taking away... [read more]
The White House Domestic Policy Council, in collaboration with the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation are sponsoring a discussion titled "Technology... [read more]
Urban Strategies Council (Oakland)
The Polis Center (Indianapolis)
The White House Domestic Policy Council, in collaboration with the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation are sponsoring a discussion titled "Technology... [read more]
The Pittsburgh Regional Data Center will provide an open data platform for our partners in local government and community organizations across the region. The Data Center will also provide an... [read more]
Monday, December 8, 2014. 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Rutgers-Camden Multi Purpose Room (Registration: 11:30 - Noon)
The... [read more]
• Steven Adler, Information Strategist, IBM
• Jerry Paffendorf, Co-Founder and CEO, LOVELAND Technologies
• Erica... [read more]
This full-day workshop offers hands-on examples of how data and art shape and impact our community’s health. Join us in this exciting conversation where we will have the opportunity to build... [read more]
Matthew Martin, Charlotte regional executive, Amy Hawn Nelson, Director of Research at NNIP partner UNCC Urban Institute, and Rebecca Hefner, Comunity Research Manager at the City of Charlotte,... [read more]
For the past two years, the NNIP network has explored how our mission of democratizing data intersects with the growing open data movement. The project encourages more NNIP partners to actively ... [read more]
Oakland Answers 2014, held in coordination with the National Day of Civic Hacking, was a combined writeathon and civic hackathon. The event invited writers to contribute information to the... [read more]
City Camp KC, Kansas CIty's annual civic unconference occurred this year on May 31, to coordinate with the National Day of Civic Hacking. The theme was Startups and the City, and topics included... [read more]
The Milwaukee Data Initiativein coalition with local developers, the City of Milwaukee, the County of Milwaukee and BucketWorks to tackle local data projects as part of the National Day of Civic... [read more]
Pittsburgh Neighborhood and Community Information System is participating in the National Day of Civic Hacking next Saturday (5/31) with an... [read more]
Hack for Change Louisville was organized to conencide with the National Day of Civic Hacking. This day-long event focused on building five projects: WFPL Radio's Curious City project, a pet... [read more]
As part of the National Day of Civic Hacking, OpenDataSTL organized Build for STL, a weekend-long event which included a hackathon, training sessions, and the launch of the Code for America... [read more]
One of the most important new means for sharing data with the public is our Open Data Site, launched in “beta” form in the spring of 2014. We have been using the tool to publish existing data in... [read more]
PlanningCamp is an unconference in Oakland sponsored by the Urban Strategies Council and OpenPlans for ... [read more]
Public Health - Seattle & King County (PHSKC), the NNIP partner organization for the Seattle area, is collaborating with other local open data organizations to make data more accessible and... [read more]
The Data Sharing Hub project has cleared the preliminary planning stage and is transitioning into an iterative cycle. Migration plans include hosting data previously... [read more]
Our continual effort to share information expeditiously has found another portal. We are... [read more]
Visualizing Neighborhoods is a day-long event to bring together neighborhood leaders, technologists, data visualizers, designers, artists, scientists, civil servants, and... [read more]
The Knight Foundation Community News Challenge posed the question: "How might we improve the way citizens and governments interact?"
Two NNIP partners responded to the call for ideas. The... [read more]
UCSUR’s Pittsburgh Neighborhood and Community Information System (PNCIS) is helping to organize the first ever Steel City Codefest on February 24 and 25. Codefest will challenge software... [read more]
Peter Tatian, an Urban Insitute staff member and project leader for NeighborhoodInfoDC, and two other NNIP partner... [read more]
InfoWorks is a collaborative effort between the Rhode Island Department of Education and The Providence Plan. The InfoWorks site is designed as user-friendly, easily accessible resource for anyone... [read more]
Audio to come soon. Presented at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia's Reinventing Older Communities Conference with CityCourced and Code for America/Open Plans staff on new ways to encourage... [read more]
Communities around the world are releasing public data in an open data framework. We would like your input... [read more]
The Poverty Center's Neighborhood Stabilization Team Web Application (NST Web App) was selected as a... [read more]
We have launched a new version of our innovative web mapping and data analysis platform, This fully redesigned system allows us to not only deliver beautiful web maps via a... [read more]
The Piton Foundation is currently working on several projects which has required using new technology to build data systems (Citizen Atlas and StoryBase Project). This has meant hiring new staff... [read more]
Share Data. Drive Change.
Data Engine is a powerful, easy-to-use on-line community information hub of public data... [read more]
Floodlight: See and show your community in a new light
Your story matters. Without it, nothing happens. Floodlight is a new, free web-based storytelling project that gives... [read more]
The Metropulse website is 100% web-service driven. Since we are already maintaining these web services, it will be relatively easy to make them openly available. With the exception of a few... [read more]
Through a collaborative arrangement with the MacArthur Foundation, the Chicago Community Trust, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), the City of Chicago, and Cook County, we are... [read more]
The Metropulse website is 100% web-service driven. Since we are already maintaining these web services, it will be relatively easy to make them openly available. With the exception of a few... [read more]
The Civic Switchboard project develops partnerships between libraries and local data intermediaries to better serve data users, further democratize data, and support equitable access to... [read more]
From 2014 to 2018, the Civic Tech and Data Collaborative (CTDC) brought together local government officials, civic technologists, and community data organizations across seven communities to... [read more]
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This webinar introduces the "open data" movement and discusses the implications for NNIP partners. The webinar was organized to prepare for the... [read more]
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Neighborhood data counts. Neighborhood data counts people. It counts the places that our communities hold dear, and it counts the tragedies that we wish never happened. Neighborhood data...
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