
Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance (Baltimore)
(Inactive) Thoughtwell (Columbus)
Urban Strategies Council (Oakland)
Local governments should engage with data intermediary organizations, such as the members of the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership, to more effectively identify priority issues, find... [read more]
On November 5, 2015, Dr. Claudia Coulton presented the talk "Exploring the Impact of Foster Care and Juvenile Justice Involvement on Future... [read more]
In celebration of Attendance Awareness Month, Rhode Island KIDS COUNT, The Providence Plan, and the Rhode Island Data
Sharing Project held a special event for educators, policymakers, and... [read more]
EastPoint PaCT (Promise and Choice Together) is a group of coordinated initiatives working to transform and revitalize the EastPoint neighborhood, a near-eastside area with a rich history... [read more]
Children's Optimal Health is pleased to announce that we have launched a new website. Many of our maps and all of our published reports are available for download through the site. There is... [read more]
InfoWorks is a collaborative effort between the Rhode Island Department of Education and The Providence Plan. The InfoWorks site is designed as user-friendly, easily accessible resource for anyone... [read more]
CI:Now was awarded a one-year $50,000 operating grant from the Kronkosky Charitable Foundation to support child data integration and... [read more]
A collaborative project with the Sacramento City Unified School District and the UC Davis Center for Regional Change using student attendance data to determine the prevalence of chronic... [read more]
In late 2010, the Urban Strategies Council and Oakland Unified School District, in partnership with the East Bay Community Foundation, launched a bold new initiative aimed at addressing the... [read more]
In 2013, NNIP launched a three-year cross-site project, Connecting People and Place, supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation to expand the relevance... [read more]
In this webinar, Shon Bunkley of Community Research Partners and Hedy Chang, a consultant to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, present their recent work on truancy.
Shon was part of the CRP... [read more]
On May 30th at 10am Pacific, Urban Strategies Council and the Oakland Unified School... [read more]