The neighborhood profiles available on NeighborhoodInfo DC are now updated with new Census 2010 data and single-family home sales and prices for 2010. (3-24-11) See the latest data for: City, Wards, Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs), Neighborhood clusters, Police Service Areas (PSAs), ZIP codes, Census tracts and the comparison tables.
As the 2010 Census data for metro Denver become available, The Piton Foundation is analyzing the data for use by public officials, program providers, and everyday citizens to learn how our metro Denver communities are changing. On this site you can find data briefs, maps, graphics and raw data files. We've also created a new web-mapping tool to allow you to easily find data at the census tract level in metro Denver.
University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh)
July 14, 2011
We have compiled a new set of City of Pittsburgh neighborhood profiles based on the 2010 Decennial Census Summary File 1 (SF1) data. This includes the basic demographic information collected by the decennial census. Each neighborhood profile has 7 tables coving basic information on the age, race, and household structure of neighborhood residents and a limited amount of information on housing characteristics.
The Census 2010 redistricting data includes counts of total population, population under 18 years, population 18 years and over, population by race/ethnicity, counts of total housing units, vacant housing units, and occupied housing units. GNOCDC has published a series of reports on trends in the metropolitan area and city of New Orleans.
In post-Katrina New Orleans, the Greater New Orleans Community Data Center (GNOCDC) has been a central resource of data and information about New Orleans' 73 neighborhoods and the 10 surrounding parishes. During, and immediately after the August 2005 storm, the staff at GNOCDC posted information to their web site about resources available to evacuees and their families. They also provided maps and data to assist in understanding the impact of the storm, from demographic characteristics of each neighborhood, to elevation maps of the city (see Exhibit 1).
The Children’s Trust of Miami-Dade County funds out-of-school time programs to reduce the number of children spending their out-of-school hours unsupervised and unchallenged. In 2005, the Trust began using service location, utilization and population data in determining where to locate these out-of-school programs in the region.
Urban Institute is excited to announce the NNIP partners in Boston, Durham, New Haven, and San Antonio selected through a competitive Request for Proposals for $50,000...
Community Insight is a platform for displaying data about local communities, understanding community opportunities and needs, and targeting efforts for advancing equity....
NeighborhoodInfoDC has been providing data and analysis supporting the new Kids Count grantee (DC Action for Children). We released the first of a series of policy briefs based on the 2010 Census in April 27, 2011, entitled “A Tale of Three Cities: What the Census Tells Us and How We Must Repond.”
We are starting a new report series focused on demographics in which we will explore diversity in Central Indiana through the lenses of race and ethnicity, income, and age. The first report, "Changing Diversity in Marion County (1990 - 2010)" is now available on our website. This report looks at the racial and ethnic diversity in Marion County using a diversity index and how that has changed the past 20 years. A series of maps show where within the county that diversity has increased and what groups make up the homogeneous areas in the county.
(Inactive) Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (Chicago)
February 18, 2012 to June 30, 2012
CMAP's MetroPulse website is focused on regional indicators, not neighborhood ones. Because of this regional focus, the website has limited value for municipal governments. So we are now creating MetroPulse Local, which displays data at more granular levels such as Census Tract and Parcel.
The Southeast Michigan Synod Acts of Common Analysis embarked upon a strategic planning process to sustain its congregations and services. In our first phase of technical assistance, D3 provided a snapshot of demographic, socioeconomic, and housing characteristics to the Synod to support this decision-making process. D3 also provided assistance to develop and analyze a survey of each congregation’s membership, assets, programs, and challenges.
Until recently, Detroit City Council members have been elected at-large. As part of the plan to transition to a by-district election system, the Detroit Elections Commission created potential districts. D3 assisted with demographic analysis of potential districts.
The Skillman Foundation requested that D3 prepare a white paper on the overall well-being of Detroit's children, with a sub-analysis specific to boys of color. This report presents a broad set of indicators on the population aged 0 to 18 years in the City of Detroit. Indicators fall into the following categories: demographic overview, early childhood well-being, child health and access to health care, education, and safety and community. The research provides a basis for a deeper understanding of how best to support Detroit's children, and a benchmark to measure gains in the future.
We launched Census 2010 Neighborhood Data Profiles for all 72 New Orleans neighborhoods, which include easy look-up tables for grantwriters and neighborhood leaders. The profiles include data on population, basic demographics, household characteristics, homeownership rates, vacant units, and more. The site also includes just-in-time learning about differences between the 2000 and 2010 Census, neighborhood boundary changes since 2000, etc. We did user testing with community members to maximize the site’s usability.
(Inactive) Community Link Capital Region (Sacramento)
February 1, 2012
Community Link has produced demographic profiles for each County Supervisor based on current district boundaries. The profiles include population and cultural characteristics, information on households and families, children, seniors, Income, poverty, home ownership, housing values, education and health insurance, as well as information on calls to 2-1-1 Sacramento for each district.
Using census block as the allocation unit, we have developed new health reporting areas that precisely follow city and neighborhood boundaries where possible. The goal of the project was to replace our outdated Health Planning Areas with data more meaningful to city- and county-level policymakers and community members.
The release of the 2010 Census counts revealed that our small area population estimates for 2001-2009 (created before the 2010 Census data was available) were deeply flawed. We have now replaced our old 2001-2009 population estimates series to incorporate data from the 2010 Census. Using spatial overlays, counts from the 2000 and 2010 Censuses and assuming a straight-line trend, we calculated age by sex by year estimates for each 2000-boundary census block in King County.
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012
The Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action is working with the Shelby County Department of Planning and Development and the Greater Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce to evaluate property condition and create an asset inventory for an area branded “Airport City,” surrounding the Memphis International Airport. In partnership with the Center for Community, Criminology and Research (C3R), CBANA analysts are focusing on multifamily housing, commercial, retail and warehousing in the 37,000 parcel area, with a special emphasis on community safety and Crime Prevention Through Environ
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
March 10, 2012
As the curtain closed on the March 10, 2012 performance of “Hurt Village” at the Signature Theatre at Pershing Square in New York, patrons were invited to participate in a panel discussion moderated by award-winning journalist Esther Armah, which included Yale University sociologist Elijah Anderson, CBANA director and University of Memphis sociologist Phyllis Betts, director Patricia McGregor and playwrite Katori Hall (The Mountaintop, Hoodoo Love, and most recently, Hurt Village).
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
April 2012
Originally funded by a grant from the US Department of Justice and designed by CBANA/C3R (working with the Southeast Memphis CDC and Ledic Asset Management) , “Safeways” is a data-driven supportive collaboration among owner/managers, residents, law enforcement, and non-profits to improve safety and quality of life in multifamily housing communities. Owners/managers access training and technical assistance in place management and resident services, and may apply for Safeways Certification.
In October 2011, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis convened nearly 200 participants to a symposium on neighborhood indicators and data‐driven strategies. The symposium was focused around the St. Louis Neighborhood Market DrillDown, alternative, strength-based market data created in partnership with Social Compact for the entirety of St. Louis City and North St.
On May 30th at 10am Pacific, Urban Strategies Council and the Oakland Unified School District will be hosting the first of four webinars focusing on this insightful new research on the inequities faced by African American Males and the efforts underway to eliminate these disparities in education outcomes.
The RI DataHUB is a multi-agency longitudinal data system for anyone interested in the well-being of people in Rhode Island. The DataHUB brings together data sets from multiple federal, state and local sources. Data are currently gathered from local partnering public agencies including: the RI Department of Education (RIDE), the RI Department of Health (HEALTH), the Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Education (RIBGHE), the RI Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF), and Providence Public Schools (PPSD).
The DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey (DCWS) uses probability sampling to create highly-reliable local information that is not available from any other public data source. The DCWS traces its origins to a series of locally-based efforts conducted over the past two decades to gather information about well-being in Connecticut neighborhoods.
The Urban Institute, and GeoLytics, Inc., a private firm specializing in the development of demographic and geographic data products, are producing an update of an important data resource that will enable policymakers, community organizations, and researchers to examine and analyze changes that have occurred in U.S. neighborhoods over the past four decades.
Children's Optimal Health is pleased to announce that we have launched a new website. Many of our maps and all of our published reports are available for download through the site. There is currently no charge for these products, but users are asked to register and let us know how they use our work. Children's Optimal Health works to improve operations, impact policy, engage the community and support research to improve the health and well-being of all children in Central Texas.
The 2012 Michigan Scorecard, a product of collaboration between The Center for Michigan and Data Driven Detroit, is now available. The Scorecard tracks Michigan’s status through twenty-eight measures in three areas: Talent and Education, Economy and Quality of Life, and Effective Government.
The 2012 Scorecard is an update to the Michigan Scorecards produced in 2010 and 2008, allowing readers to see at a glance how the state’s scores have changed over time.
Over the next 12 months Public Health- Seattle & King County will be developing new data profiles for 22 cities and unincorporated areas of King County. The profiles will include up-to-date demographics and measures of behavioral risks, access to care, health status, fertility, birth risk factors and mortality. Presented in a series of charts and tables, measures for the city—and, if the city is large enough, each neighborhood-- will be compared to King County and Washington State averages.
We expect to release the methodological information and data for 2-3 key health indicators in a technical report this summer. Health inequities have typically been measured using single point-in-time health data that compare a single disadvantaged group to a reference group. For measures such as race, income, and geography, which have many categories, this leads to multiple sets of pairwise comparisons. It may also be difficult to ascertain trends in inequities using these measures. To address these shortcomings we have been exploring summary measures of inequities. Using a suite of 11
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
March 6, 2012
The Poverty Center's Neighborhood Stabilization Team Web Application (NST Web App) was selected as a Leadership in Community Innovation Award finalist. Four finalist groups competed for the award which included $25,000, funded by Key Bank, to go toward continuing projects. While the Center did not win the final award, it was an honor for the NST Web App to be recognized and selected as a finalist.
In partnership with the Innovative Housing Institute, Bay Area Economics (DC), and the National Center for Smart Growth, BNIA-JFI will be assisting in (1) Regional Housing Demographic and Market Assessment and (2) Fair Housing Equity Assessment as part of the Sustainable Communities Initiative (Opportunity Collaborative) for the region.
Neighborhood Nexus created profiles for every Georgia Senate and House legislative district in the state using Census 2010 and the American Community Survey. The profiles include static reports for every district as well as interactive maps that allow legislators and constituents to compare across districts.
As part of the National Day of Civic Hacking, OpenDataSTL organized Build for STL, a weekend-long event which included a hackathon, training sessions, and the launch of the Code for America Brigade in Saint Louis. In addition, OpenDataSTL partnered with other local organizations who organized co-events, including a community garden project and an OpenStreetMap Editathon.
Public Health – Seattle & King County (PHSKC) is developing an Automated Disease Surveillance (ADS) program using Stata statistical software. In addition to being able to analyze the health data of multiple record types (e.g., deaths, surveys, hospital discharge), the program also produces summary reports in various formats such as pdf, html or in an export format for use in data visualization packages such as Socrata. Reports can include tables, maps, charts, or other graphics as desired. PHSKC is developing the ADS program collaboratively, enabling multiple PHSKC epidemiologists to
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
September 30, 2014
With recent Census data indicating that 54 percent of children in the City of Cleveland live in poverty, the Cleveland Plain Dealer asked Dr Claudia Coulton about the relationship between poverty and health for “
On behalf a broad collaborative of organizations convened by the United Way of Comal County, CI:Now is conducting a broad secondary data assessment of community needs in Comal and Guadalupe Counties, with a special focus on health.
SA2020 is a community visioning and collective impact initiative focused on 11 cause areas. CI:Now collects and analyzes the data to report indicators of progress in these areas, also working to shed light on critical disparities by race/ethnicity, gender, age group, and neighborhood.
CI:Now is developing the CommunityViewer integrated data system, which brings together “people data" and “place data" from public and private sources to inform early intervention, planning, intervention monitoring, and evaluation and research. More information about CommunityViewer is available here.
In collaboration with King County school districts, Public Health – Seattle & King County is developing school district health profiles that will inform school administrators and policy-makers, health and wellness planners, and the public about school health indicators. The primary data source for the reports is the Healthy Youth Survey (HYS), administered every 2 years to 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th graders. Each profile includes:
Capital One philanthropic mission includes a comprehensive giving program to help build the future of communities for Capital One’s customers and associates across the U.S. These programs, known as Placed Based Initiatives (PBI), can be found in communities in Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Virginia, and Washington D.C. Each PBI offers support and development based on the community’s individual and unique needs through strong, collaborative partnerships with organizations, businesses, and community members within the neighborhood.
(Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies (Portland)
March 31, 2015
Beginning in 1973 with the passage of Senate Bill (SB) 100, Oregon’s growth management system has relied on population forecasts as the primary tool for determining Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) expansions, as well as for crafting planning policy. By estimating future populations based on historic and current trends, as well as assuming the likelihood of future events, population forecasts provide necessary information to help planners, public officials, private firms, and developers better understand the short and long-term implications of population growth in local areas.
Working with the Valley Community Foundation and approximately 20 other local partners, DataHaven produced a baseline indicators report on the Lower Naugatuck Valley region in 2015. DataHaven is now working with these partners on a longer indicators report, which will also function as a Community Health Needs Assessment for the region. The longer report is scheduled for publication in mid-2016.
Institute for Urban Policy Research (Dallas) Data Driven Detroit (D3) (Detroit) Shift Research Lab (Denver*)
October 2015
On October 20th, one day prior to the opening of the Fall NNIP meeting, the Institute for Urban Policy Research, Capital One, and the Collin County Business Alliance (CCBA) convened a group of experts to discuss regional planning and the future of Collin County, which includes most of Dallas' northern suburbs.
Austin College, a liberal arts college in Sherman, Texas (located approximately 60 miles North of Dallas) will be hosting their annual Public Administration Symposium on November 12, 2015. In addition to a keynote by Reginald Hatter, executive director of Workshop Houston, the symposium will include an afternoon panel discussion titled "Combining Nonprofit Passion & Academic Research into Smart Urban Planning." This panel will include Director Timothy Bray and Associate Director Anthony Galvan of the Institute for Urban Policy Research at the University of Texas at Dallas.
This session was conducted by NeighborhoodInfo DC for a group of local area nonprofits who are partipating in the Measure4Change learning community. The purpose of the session was to show groups how accessing data outside of their organization could be valuable to help them assess the needs of the populations and communities they are serving and to report on their results.
(Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies (Portland)
Who actually votes in municipal elections? Where do the most frequent voters and nonvoters live? How are key demographic traits like age, race and ethnicity, income, and education related to voting patterns and behavior?
(Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies (Portland)
December 2016
In October 2015, Dr. Uma Krishnan--who was then the City of Portland's demographer--was awarded an innovation microgrant by the city to conduct a pilot project for estimating a community-validated count for a "Small Population." The Somali immigrant community in Portland constituted the population for the count.
CI:Now’s new Viz-a-lyzer is an interactive tool for people to visually explore and analyze (visual… viz… viz-a-lyze… get it?) Bexar County data by zip code tract area and year, with comparisons to Bexar County, Texas, and the United States where available. We’ll be adding new indicators and features several times a year – subscribe to our newsletter to hear when a new release is out.
Excerpt on new DataHaven / Community Foundation report from The Day, New London: A recently released report commissioned by the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut details inequities faced by women in New London and Windham counties in the realms of economic security, education, health and well-being, and leadership.
Related Links:
New report details inequities for women in eastern Connecticut
Across the Indianapolis region, neighborhoods have experienced rapid cultural changes and shifting housing demand. In June, The Polis Center facilitated a community conversation about neighborhood-level demographic changes across the region from 1970 to today, exploring the trends of suburbanization, gentrification, and suburban redevelopment.
The City of Chicago commissioned the Institute for Housing Studies to develop data to guide conversations around developing Chicago’s 2019-2023 Five-Year Housing Plan. These data informed a series of three Advisory Group meetings held in June and July 2018 where stakeholders were convened to discuss key housing challenges facing the city and recommend potential solutions.
IHS analyzed which Chicago neighborhoods are adding or losing households at different income levels, broke down some of the different patterns and trends that emerge from the data, and let users explore the variation in Chicago neighborhoods through charts and an interactive map.
Related Links:
Understanding Household Income Shifts in Chicago Neighborhoods
IHS looked at data on where the under-18 population in Chicago is growing or declining. We talked to key neighborhood stakeholders to understand why and what these trends mean for neighborhoods.
Related Links:
Why Some Chicago Neighborhoods Are Losing Their Children
Kinder Institute for Urban Research (Houston) Neighborhood Nexus (Atlanta)
February 3, 2022
Two NNIP partners, Neighborhood Nexus in Atlanta and Rice University’s Kinder Institute in Houston, found from 2020 decennial census data that their Sun Belt cities continued to grow from 2010 to 2020.
Several NNIP partners analyzed population and demographic changes of their city's neighborhoods after the release of the 2020 redistricting census data, providing insights for local planning and policy.
Community Data & Research Lab at the Johnson Center (Grand Rapids)
May 4, 2022
Community Insight is a platform for displaying data about local communities, understanding community opportunities and needs, and targeting efforts for advancing equity. We draw on multiple datasets from a range of systems and institutions on topics such as education, health, economic opportunity, population demographics, and more. Much of the data is available at a community level or lower (e.g., Census tract).
The DataHaven Town Equity Reports provide access to relevant town-level information that is not available from any other source. They use new methods to disaggregate data from the 2020 Census, American Community Survey microdata files, DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey record-level files from 2015 through 2021, and federal and state agency databases.
Related Links:
2023 Equity Reports for all 169 Connecticut Towns, Join our statewide Advisory Council