On May 30th at 10am Pacific, Urban Strategies Council and the Oakland Unified School District will be hosting the first of four webinars focusing on this insightful new research on the inequities faced by African American Males and the efforts underway to eliminate these disparities in education outcomes.
(Inactive) Ochs Center for Metropolitan Studies (Chattanooga)
May 1, 2012 to September 7, 2012
This is an assessment of gangs and gang activity in the Chattanooga area. Using the Office of Juvenile Justice and Deliquency Prevention (OJJDP) guide, the assessment draws upon census, crime, and educational data to determine the extent and nature of gang activity in the region. Focus groups and survey methodologies capture community perceptions of gangs. This will play an important role in the community's response to gangs and gang violence.
Children's Optimal Health is pleased to announce that we have launched a new website. Many of our maps and all of our published reports are available for download through the site. There is currently no charge for these products, but users are asked to register and let us know how they use our work. Children's Optimal Health works to improve operations, impact policy, engage the community and support research to improve the health and well-being of all children in Central Texas.
The Central Falls School District is the grantee with the Urban Institute and ProvPlan playing major roles in terms of project evaluation and data analysis. The NIJ project will be a large-scale intervention ‑ in two school districts (CF and Westerly) and two charter schools (Blackstone Valley Prep and the Greene School) ‑ on how to make schools safer, primarily through the use of “restorative justice” case conferences, a process in which students, teachers, and families work together to resolve conflicts and repair any harm caused by misbehavior. Central Falls has been a trailblazer in R
CI:Now gathered and analyzed the data for the past several editions of Voices for Children of San Antonio’s Child Data Report, which you can find here. The Data Report has moved under the auspices of the United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County's Children's Issue Council and will now be published as an online dashboard.
All people have a right to fair treatment from the U.S. criminal justice system, but bias in institutional policies and practices have resulted in racial disparities - everything from increased exposure to policing to over-incarceration.
See all NNIP items related to the issues: Public Safety