In this webinar, Shon Bunkley of Community Research Partners and Hedy Chang, a consultant to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, present their recent work on truancy.
Shon was part of the CRP team that released a report in May 2008 on truancy in Columbus. She will discuss the lessons learned from working with the Columbus data.
(Inactive) Community Link Capital Region (Sacramento)
July 2011
A collaborative project with the Sacramento City Unified School District and the UC Davis Center for Regional Change using student attendance data to determine the prevalence of chronic absenteeism in Sacramento City schools.
Date of Publication:
December 31, 2011
Community Data & Research Lab at the Johnson Center (Grand Rapids)
In late 2010, the Urban Strategies Council and Oakland Unified School District, in partnership with the East Bay Community Foundation, launched a bold new initiative aimed at addressing the disparities in educational and social outcomes for African American males in Oakland. This six-year initiative has been established with a set of seven key goals that reflect the massive disparities faced by young black males in our city and a set of strategies aimed at improving those outcomes and eliminating most disparities within six years.
Related Links:
African American Male Achievment Initiative (AAMAI)
On May 30th at 10am Pacific, Urban Strategies Council and the Oakland Unified School District will be hosting the first of four webinars focusing on this insightful new research on the inequities faced by African American Males and the efforts underway to eliminate these disparities in education outcomes.
InfoWorks is a collaborative effort between the Rhode Island Department of Education and The Providence Plan. The InfoWorks site is designed as user-friendly, easily accessible resource for anyone interested in Rhode Island's schools. Available data includes achievement results, demographics, funding, and opinion data.
Children's Optimal Health is pleased to announce that we have launched a new website. Many of our maps and all of our published reports are available for download through the site. There is currently no charge for these products, but users are asked to register and let us know how they use our work. Children's Optimal Health works to improve operations, impact policy, engage the community and support research to improve the health and well-being of all children in Central Texas.
(Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies (Portland)
September 2, 2014
As part of the Club’s Friday Forum series, Sheila Martin, director of the Institute for Portland Metropolitan Studies (GPP’s parent organization) will join a panel of three Portland-area school district superintendents – Carole Smith (Portland), Don Grotting (David Douglas) and Karen Gray (Parkrose) – to present and answer questions on racial justice in Portland-area schools.
Building on the findings resulting from a Lead Technical Studies grant in 2011, ProvPlan, the RI Department of Health, and Brown University have developed a second Lead Technical Studies project scope that extends their current model to use secondary data to assess the effectiveness of lead hazard control activities and regulations.
In celebration of Attendance Awareness Month, Rhode Island KIDS COUNT, The Providence Plan, and the Rhode Island Data
Sharing Project held a special event for educators, policymakers, and community leaders: The Importance of Reducing Chronic Absence in the Early Grades. The event was held on Monday, September 29, 2014, from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Rhode Island KIDS COUNT, One Union Station, in Providence.