The Sustainable Communities Initiative, implemented by the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), involves strategic programs of action to transform communities in several demonstration sites. The Initiative, modeled after LISC Chicago’s New Communities Program, has five core objectives: (1) Expanding capital investment in housing and other real estate; (2) Building family income and wealth, including improving residents’ skills and access to living-wage jobs; (3) Stimulation of local economic activity, including connecting targeted neighborhoods and their residents to the regiona
The city – impressed by NEO CANDO – wants to eventually develop a city-wide set of indicators and data-tracking along the lines of our Cleveland partner. The initial connection, however, centers on a pilot project in two neighborhoods – English Avenue and Vine City, which are two underserved and distressed neighborhood on the west side of Atlanta. They are collected parcel-level housing, code violation and crime data, and want a system in which to analyze these disparate data types. Negotiations are still underway, so exact scope is undetermined.
Piton has become the technical assistance partner to assist the Community Development Partnership (CDP) The CDP is a collaborative between CDC’s, banks and NPO’s who are working to deploy NSP resources and become more strategic in how new community assets are developed.
(Inactive) Metropolitan Chicago Information Center (Chicago)
May 2011
Completed year 2 of a 4 year grant to report on the changes in the communities covered in the New Communities Programs. Gathered data, performed quality control checks, and formatted data for analysis by the NCP team. Researched alternative or additional measures for monitoring change. We provided data and technical support to MDRC. We also worked on crime analysis and changed therein in the selected community areas.
Living Cities resources will help Detroit leverage extensive local and national philanthropic and federal government support, increase focused investment along the Corridor, provide capital to a frozen market, and critical projects to move forward.
A community-driven project designed to engage people in a process to transform vacant land and property into uses that improve the quality of life in Detroit neighborhoods and surrounding areas. D3 is a technical consultant to the steering committee made up of 8 community organizations. Data Driven Detroit facilitated the surveys, mapping, and training of community surveyors. D3 products include surveys surrounding all commercial and industrial parcels as well as attitudinal surveys.
CDAD's Strategic Framework uses a set of descriptive typologies to help residents visualize the future that they want for their neighborhood. Data Driven Detroit has utilized multiple indicators to categorize blocks, streets, and neighborhoods within the Strategic Framework categories. The typology also illustrates the relative attributes of different areas of the same type. D3 provides extensive support via data analysis, visualization tools, conceptual consulting, and preparation for community meetings. The typological analysis is first being tested in two pilots: with the Lower East
Emory’s Office of University-Community Partnerships (OUCP) is assisting DeKalb County with the preparation of their five-year consolidated plan for HUD and as part of that effort will be helping them launch a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization initiative, modeled in part, after the New Communities program in Chicago.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded a $300,000 Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Planning Grant to Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority on behalf of a partnership that includes the City of Columbus, The Ohio State University, and National Church Residents. The grant application was prepared by Community Research Partners, and the grant was one of 13 awarded nationally.
D3, through a grant from The Kresge Foundation, is providing data to the Macomb County Executive Office and Macomb County Community College to assist their plan for the “New Macomb.” Since 2000, Macomb County has experienced changes, such as increasing racial diversity, and challenges, such as a protracted economic recession. D3’s role is to gather data about change in the county to inform Macomb executives so that they may more effectively address the county’s needs.
D3 is the data systems change partner to the Initiative, helping to improve data quality, access, and transparency. The Woodward Corridor Initiative, funded by Living Cities, builds on the progress that has been made by stakeholders in the Midtown, New Center, and North End neighborhoods. Leveraging additional resources, the Initiative catalyzes already-successful projects by convening residents, community groups, and programs that are mobilizing change.
D3 is working with youth services providers in The Skillman Foundation’s Good Neighborhoods program to determine what outside-of-school youth programs are available to young people in the six designated “Good Neighborhoods” areas, document the types of services offered, and whether there are any gaps in service. Launched in 2006, The Skillman Foundation’s Good Neighborhoods is a 10-year, $100-million program that focuses on six Detroit neighborhoods where today nearly 60,000 children live, roughly 30% of the city’s child population.
D3 completed a needs assessment of the Southwest Detroit Community Justice Center for the Southwest Detroit Development Collaborative. The assessment consisted of a demographic analysis of Southwest Detroit and its police sectors, as well as a survey of perceptions of public safety, analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The mission of the Southwest Detroit Development Collaborative (SDDC) is to enhance the growth of Southwest Detroit as an ethnically and economically diverse community and promote it as an exciting place to live, work, shop and play.
D3 has summarized key neighborhood indicators for Detroit’s North End Neighborhood and adjacent areas as part of the Woodward Corridor Initiative. This neighborhood snapshot includes three general sections: 1) demographic and socio-economic characteristics; 2) housing characteristics and market overview; and 3) an inventory of schools in and around the North End Neighborhood.
D3 assisted Creekside residents with a short-term neighborhood revitalization proposal. We provided technical assistance and facilitation support as residents made decisions and prioritized multiple needs. The resulting proposal strategically targets intervention in two neighborhood areas.
In 2010, D3 developed a composite analysis of indicators to illustrate the land use category of each Census Block in the city. This typology analysis is based upon current conditions, not solely zoning or land use, and also illustrates the relative strengths and challenges between different blocks. In 2011, D3 served as a technical partner as CDAD and community groups piloted the framework process in Southwest Detroit with Urban Neighborhood Initiatives and on the Eastside with the Lower Eastside Action Plan.
Community Information Now (CI:Now) is a data and communications partner in San Antonio's Wheatley Choice Neighborhoods' partnership planning grant, assisting in gathering baseline data and developing tools and methods for measuring and talking about the project's progress over time. CI:Now also built partnership's initial web presence and will use new media and citizen journalism to support information exchange and community involvement.
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012
The Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action is working with the Shelby County Department of Planning and Development and the Greater Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce to evaluate property condition and create an asset inventory for an area branded “Airport City,” surrounding the Memphis International Airport. In partnership with the Center for Community, Criminology and Research (C3R), CBANA analysts are focusing on multifamily housing, commercial, retail and warehousing in the 37,000 parcel area, with a special emphasis on community safety and Crime Prevention Through Environ
(Inactive) Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (Memphis)
April 2012
Originally funded by a grant from the US Department of Justice and designed by CBANA/C3R (working with the Southeast Memphis CDC and Ledic Asset Management) , “Safeways” is a data-driven supportive collaboration among owner/managers, residents, law enforcement, and non-profits to improve safety and quality of life in multifamily housing communities. Owners/managers access training and technical assistance in place management and resident services, and may apply for Safeways Certification.
PlanningCamp is an unconference in Oakland sponsored by the Urban Strategies Council and OpenPlans for those working at the intersection of technology and the hard effort of making better cities -- on the technology side, or the planning side, or a bit of both.
Rise, formerly the Regional Housing and Community Development Alliance and the NNIP partner in St. Louis, is part of a team that was awarded a Choice Neighborhood Initiative planning grant. The Lead Grantee is the St. Louis County Department of Planning and the Initiative will focus on the Wellston Public Housing and the North Wellston Neighborhood (a suburb of St. Louis).
(Inactive) (Inactive) The Reinvestment Fund (Philadelphia)
July 30, 2014
Philadelphia City Council on Wednesday announced a comprehensive strategy using data analysis, mapping technology and community engagement to empower Philadelphia’s leaders to craft policies that will improve the quality of life in each of the City’s neighborhoods.
Residents and partners of 18 Charlotte neighborhoods attended the 4th annual Neighborhood Board Retreat where they set goals and developed ideas for projects to strengthen their neighborhoods. The event was hosted by the City of Charlotte’s Department of Neighborhood & Business Services and sponsored by the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute. As part of the facilitated planning, each neighborhood received a customized data profile containing a snapshot of variables from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Quality of Life Study,
Institute for Urban Policy Research (Dallas) (Inactive) Children's Optimal Health (Austin*) (Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies (Portland)
Event Name:
NNIP Partners Meeting, October 2014
Date of Publication:
October 23, 2014
Institute for Urban Policy Research (Dallas) (Inactive) Children's Optimal Health (Austin*) (Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies (Portland)
The annual USC Price Center conference magnifies the impact of social innovators by bringing them together with change leaders from around the world in a common pursuit of equality of opportunity for children and families in marginalized urban communi
Children’s Optimal Health, in partnership with Housing Works Austin and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, recently hosted a summit on the intersection of health and housing.
In 2014, we began holding virtual idea showcases after partners expressed the desire for more NNIP conversations between in-person meetings. Thanks to Idea Showcases, partners have shared their work and found new opportunities for collaboration with fellow NNIPers.
NNIP HQ started with a quick update on network activities including details about upcoming conferences and overall NNIP goals. Then, each presenter had 5 minutes to talk about potential, current, or completed work.
Urban Institute recently released two new guidance documents to to build the capacity of communities to use data to address health and improve fair housing and access to opportunity. Both guides draw on the experiences of NNIP and its Partner organizations.
Kansas City NNIP Partner Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) has joined together with regional partners to coordinate a 20+ year plan for economic growth. KC Rising addresses large community economic development challenges with the goal of pushing the Kansas City region to become a top-10 metro among its peers by 2025 in three “Big Dot” areas: metropolitan gross domestic product (GDP), quality jobs, and median household income.
Urban–Greater DC team members are partnering with the High Line Network (HLN) and Harvard University Graduate School of Design for a one-year pilot project, Equitable Impacts Framework pilot (EIF pilot), to help HLN members on developing equitable impact frameworks related to their infrastructure reuse projects (related to the work that the Urban–Greater DC team has done in DC with the 11th Street Bridge Park).
Through workshops, community feedback and an interactive data walk, a Houston Community Data Connections team empowered Third Ward community members and other stakeholders to use data from a multi-phase comprehensive needs assessment to pursue priorities in the neighborhood.
To plan for the rapid and sustained growth of the Central Ohio region, which is expected to hit 3 million residents by 2050, MORPC and ULI Columbus have partnered on the insight2050 scenario planning initiative.
The first phase of insight2050 examined regional growth scenarios and the implications of continuing or implementing various development patterns. Upon achieving regional consensus around a desire for a more focused growth with less sprawl than previous decades, the effort transitioned into a second phase, insight2050 Corridor Concepts.