Strategies to Support Community Land Trusts in Illinois
Illinois and the nation are experiencing significant and worsening housing affordability challenges. These struggles include a shortage of affordable homes for prospective homebuyers, increasing financial pressures for existing homeowners, and a lack of affordable units for renters. These affordability challenges disproportionately impact households and neighborhoods of color across the state, can lead to increased housing instability and displacement pressure in these communities, and can be intensified by localized market forces such as gentrification and long-term disinvestment.
In May 2023, the Illinois General Assembly passed the Community Land Trust Task Force Act, which assembled a group of experts to evaluate how Community Land Trusts (CLTs) could be better supported to meet these affordable housing challenges. The Task Force included elected officials, State employees, researchers, national experts, and representatives from active Illinois CLTs. Throughout meetings, the Task Force identified challenges impacting Community Land Trust operations, capacity, and reach, and developed recommendations for policymakers to increase the effectiveness of CLTs in Illinois.