June 2024 Presentation - Creating Self-Contained Web Maps
This presentation covers methods for creating simple, self-contained webmaps using Python.
Here are some resources related to the presentation:
- GitHub repository
- GitHub repository for GeoPandas tutorial
- Example webmap (published via GitHub Pages)
- HTML export of Jupyter Notebook (the export is viewable in a web browser; original notebook is in the repository)
For folks who would rather not use Python, similar webmaps can be produced easily using the qgis2web plugin for QGIS, an open source alternative to ArcGIS. That process is even easier than Python (although it sacrifices some benefits). Essentially you just make the map look how you want it in QGIS, select a few settings in a wizard-style form, and click export. These can be published in the same way as the Python-generated maps.
Here are the learning resources I shared in the chat that I am considering using with my team. I have not fully vetted them yet, but they look promising based on a cursory review.
- Getting Started with GeoPandas
- (Pandas and) Geopandas Tutorial
- Introduction to geospatial data analysis with GeoPandas and the PyData stack
- Data Analysis and Visualization with Python for Social Scientists (I’ve found Carpentries content to be good in general, but note that this one indicates that it is in “alpha” status, and therefore may have some kinks)