Monitoring Neighborhood Change: Using Data to Track and Prevent Displacement

June 5, 2019 - 2:00pm

Mychal Cohen
Somala Diby
Sarah Duda

In this webinar of the Urban Waters Learning Network series on gentrification and displacement, they explore different ways data is being used by communities and decision-makers to understand displacement vulnerabilities, inform infrastructure investments and policies, predict areas at risk of gentrification and displacement, and assess equitable development plans.

11th Street Project materials:
 Equitable Development and Urban Park Space: Results and Insights from the First Two Years of Implementation of the Equitable Development Plan of DC’s 11th Street Bridge Park Project -
 11th Street Bridge Park’s Equity Tools (e.g., Equitable Development plan and how-to videos) -
 Closing Equity Gaps in DC’s Wards and Neighborhoods (interactive tool) -
 Equitable Development Planning and Urban Park Space: Early Insights from DC’s 11th Street Bridge Park Project -

The 606 materials:
 Measuring the Impact of The 606 -
 Mapping Displacement Pressure in Chicago -

Turning the Corner materials:
 Guide to Measuring Neighborhood Change to Understand and Prevent Displacement - 
 Lessons from Five Cities on Displacement Risk in Changing Neighborhoods - 
 Implications of Neighborhood Revitalization for Public Safety, Small Businesses, and Capital Investments -