
Drexel University’s Dornside School of Public Health, home to the NNIP partner Urban Health Collaborative, received a 5 year grant from... [read more]
The DataHaven Town Equity Reports provide access to relevant town-level information that is not available from any... [read more]
Collaborating with Young People
We heard from partners in Milwaukee,... [read more]
Data Driven Detroit (D3) (Detroit)
University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh)
Neighborhood Nexus (Atlanta)
DataWorks NC (Durham)
The CDC Foundation has... [read more]
In the fall of 2013, in collaboration with Children’s Mercy Hospital (CMH) of Kansas City, CEI was awarded grant funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for research... [read more]
DataHaven is 1 of 10 organizations awarded grants to spur local conversations around the recently released national data set on geographic distributions of health disparities and life expectancy,... [read more]
The Data Center is 1 of 10 organizations awarded grants to spur local conversations around on the recently released national data set on geographic distributions of health disparities and life... [read more]
The Data Center (New Orleans)
DataHaven (New Haven - Connecticut)
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute awarded $2 million to 10 organizations... [read more]
The Urban Institute partnered with the National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO) to host a webinar targeted at public health agency staff seeking to discuss the connections... [read more]
As part of the 500 Cities Data Challenge, Neighborhood Nexus’s Georgia Healthy Cities project from June 2018 to May 2019 created Health and Wellness... [read more]
The Urban Institute and Robert Wood Johnson (RWJF) are partnering on a series of research and engagement activities to expand the knowledge and examples of how communities can use data to advance... [read more]
Bob Gradeck and the team from the University of Pittsburgh Center for Social and Urban Research (UCSUR) have been selected as one of six mentors to serve in the ... [read more]
Metroscape’s Winter 2018 edition launched with a panel discussion on nonagricultural uses of Oregon farmland.... [read more]
To launch the 500 Cities Project data release, on December 6 and 7, 2016, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) funded and organized an evening reception and day-long conference in Dallas,... [read more]
Urban Institute recently released two new guidance documents to to build the capacity of communities to use data to address health and improve fair housing and access to opportunity. Both guides... [read more]
The Greater Hartford Neighborhood Data Hub program, managed by DataHaven, is designed to support the more effective curation, collection, sharing, and use of local-level cross-sector data within... [read more]
Children’s Optimal Health, in partnership with Housing Works Austin and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, recently hosted a summit on the intersection of health and housing. “Housing + Health:... [read more]
Staff from NNIP's Seattle partner, the Public Health Department of Seattle & King County, write a three-part series on the health data and context behind one of the region'smost vibrant... [read more]
At what level does lead exposure become dangerous for children?
Dr. Robert Fischer, Co-Director of the Poverty Center, and Dr. Elizabeth Anthony, Research Assistant... [read more]
The project is a mixed method study conducted in partnership with Public... [read more]
In an editorial to the Cleveland Plain Dealer on November 1, Poverty Center Co-Director Dr. Rob Fischer discussed the magnitude of the... [read more]
In the series "Toxic Neglect", the Cleveland Plain Dealer has been running stories on the problems of lead poisoning on young children. Dr. Robert Fischer, co-director of the Poverty... [read more]
The Povery Center is embarking on a new project with First Suburbs Consortium, in which they'll be working with suburban communities and relevant Cuyahoga County departments to learn more about... [read more]
A community-based effort led by InterIm Community Development Association (InterIm CDA), Public Health - Seattle & King County, and Swedish Medical Center was awarded a national BUILD Health... [read more]
Eight out of 10 smokers start smoking before they turn age 18. Although Washington state law requires each school district to have a written policy prohibiting the use of all tobacco products on... [read more]
CEI is working with Children's Mercy Hosipital to undersand the effects of housing conditions on child health including lead poisoning, childhood asthma and childhood injury. Currently, CEI is... [read more]
This full-day workshop offers hands-on examples of how data and art shape and impact our community’s health. Join us in this exciting conversation where we will have the opportunity to build... [read more]
Join equity advocates from around the region for a discussion about the region’s key equity priorities, highlighting actions that are being taken – and those that need to be taken – to create a... [read more]
In May 2014, D3 launched the 2014 One D Scorecard, an online tool that reports on the status of our region through key data indicators in five Priority Areas: Economic Prosperity, Educational... [read more]
Another multi-year evaluation of two different evidence-based models of education and self-management support to prevent immediate hospital readmission by providing low-income and senior... [read more]
Public Health – Seattle & King County (PHSKC) is developing an Automated Disease Surveillance (ADS) program using Stata statistical software. In addition to being able to analyze the health... [read more]
Through a grant from the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation, the Polis Center is creating new data analysis and visualization tools for SAVI, such as the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis tool, which... [read more]
The Polis Center is partnering with the Regenstrief Institute, the Fairbanks School of Public Health, and the School of Medicine to develop public ... [read more]
In collaboration with King County school districts, Public Health – Seattle & King County is developing school district health profiles that will inform school administrators and policy-makers... [read more]
SA2020 is a community visioning and collective impact initiative focused on 11 cause areas. CI:Now collects and analyzes the data to... [read more]
Communities Count, a public-private data partnership, has completed the launch of all indicators on its new website (... [read more]
Over the next 12 months Public Health- Seattle & King County will be developing new data profiles for 22 cities and unincorporated areas of King County. The profiles will include up-to-date... [read more]
Children's Optimal Health is pleased to announce that we have launched a new website. Many of our maps and all of our published reports are available for download through the site. There is... [read more]
The RI DataHUB is a multi-agency longitudinal data system for anyone interested in the well-being of people in Rhode Island. The DataHUB brings together data sets from multiple federal, state and... [read more]
InfoWorks is a collaborative effort between the Rhode Island Department of Education and The Providence Plan. The InfoWorks site is designed as user-friendly, easily accessible resource for anyone... [read more]
The Providence Healthy Housing Mapper is the first in a series of interactive mapping sites that The Providence Plan will publish to increase access to a variety of health, economic, demographic,... [read more]
Lead exposure is one of the most common and preventable environmental health problems threatening children in Rhode Island. Lead exposure, even at very low levels, can cause irreversible damage... [read more]
Abigail Atkins, Assistant Director, Research & Evaluation, Health Resources in Action (MA); Steve Blanchard, Professor, Our Lady of the Lake University (TX) and CI:NOW Policy Group Member;... [read more]
In October 2009, D3 collaborated with the Detroit Department of Health and Wellness Promotion. With access to the health department's subcommunity birth data, D3 compiled "Right Start in Detroit... [read more]
Our new HRA boundaries match exact city boundaries, which often are not consistent with ZIP codes, census tracts or block groups. Developing data from sources that only include these other... [read more]
The DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey (DCWS) uses probability sampling to create highly-reliable local information that is not available from any other public data source. The DCWS ... [read more]
We expect to release the methodological information and data for 2-3 key health indicators in a technical report this summer. Health inequities have typically been measured using single point-in-... [read more]
Using census block as the allocation unit, we have developed new health reporting areas that precisely follow city and neighborhood boundaries where possible. The goal of the project was to... [read more]
The Behavioral Health Network of Greater St. Louis (BHN) Board of Directors identified the expansion of safe, affordable housing and supportive service options for persons with behavioral health... [read more]
BNIA-JFI is providing a variety of services to the Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene as part of the EPHT program. These services include: reviewing preliminary work and... [read more]
MCIC and two partners hope to receive funding from the Sprague foundation to help develop the technology and data infrastructure for a web based Chicago health atlas. MCIC and its partners will... [read more]
The Ochs Center has contracted with the Hamilton County Department of Human Services to evaluate the first year of the Crisis Intervention Team Program, which is focused training law enforcement... [read more]
In 2010, the National Kidney Foundation Michigan (NKFM) was awarded a grant to address health disparities in the African American community in Inkster. During Phase I of the grant in 2010, NKFM... [read more]
DataHaven is working with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars and City New Haven on a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of the Route 34 boulevardization (“Downtown Crossing”) project... [read more]
The AAA-1B manages a wait-list for seniors who wish to receive in-home care, which is typically less expensive than care in nursing homes. D3 is performing analysis on the AAA-1B wait-list to help... [read more]
Data Driven Detroit (D3), in partnership with the Urban Institute, is working under contract to the Office of Minority Health (OMH) to provide technical assistance to two sites with the aim to... [read more]
Variations in neighborhood conditions are critical to health outcomes and program options in America. In almost all urban areas, serious health problems are highly concentrated in a fairly small... [read more]
San Antonio
University Center for Social and Urban Research
DataWorks NC
Data Driven Detroit (D3)
Neighborhood Nexus
... [read more]
Idea Showcases are 5 minute opportunities to highlight or talk about the great work our organizations are doing. We had a great line up for this showcase!
• Amy Carroll-Scott and Danny... [read more]
Housing stability,... [read more]
This webinar shows how you can mobilize community action on health through hosting a local event centered on the new 500 Cities neighborhood-level health data.
In December 2016, the Robert... [read more]
In 2014, we began holding virtual idea showcases after partners expressed the desire for more NNIP conversations between in-person meetings. Thanks to Idea Showcases, partners have shared their... [read more]
Derek Ziegler of CamConnect and David Solet from Seattle present their work on using and analyzing cross-sectional and longitudinal hospitalization data. Derek obtained longitudinal data for all... [read more]
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In summer 2019, a hundred Philadelphia youth learned the power of data through a piloted summer learning experience by the Urban Health Collaborative (UHC) at Drexel University’s Dornsife School...
[read more]In 2018–19, 20 high school students identified the assets of and health needs for their Del Valle community, which directly informed the priorities set in the 2019 Austin/Travis County Community...
[read more]Children don't get to choose where they are born. But in Bexar County, Texas, where San Antonio is located, current death data shows that children born in neighborhoods immediately to the east and...
[read more]In post-Katrina New Orleans, the Greater New Orleans Community Data Center (GNOCDC) has been a central resource of data and information about New Orleans' 73 neighborhoods and the 10 surrounding...
[read more]Since 1998, the Nonprofit Center of Milwaukee (NPCM) has been tracking the progress of lead abatement programs by analyzing lead testing results for Milwaukee neighborhoods. They receive record...
[read more]Based on data in the Health of King County 2006 and Communities Count 2005 reports from the County public health department (Public Health Seattle-King County - PHSKC), knowledge...
[read more]