NNIP Showcase 2024, Part 1 - Using Community-Led Surveying to Improve Data Equity: Results from Kent County

Presentation by Jeff Williams
September 23, 2024

Community Data & Research Lab at the Johnson Center   (Grand Rapids)

This presentation was part of the first idea showcase session at the NNIP September 2024 partners' meeting.

Since the last NNIP meeting, the Johnson Center team has partnered with the Kent County Health Department to help them complete their every-three-year Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). By adopting a new approach to fielding the surveys and coordinating with paid community partners, we doubled the number of community responses and aligned the respondents' demographics much closer to the actual demographics of Kent County’s population. This project exemplifies cross-organization partnerships between government, researchers, and community organizations. It also showcases the innovative potential when two
organizations combine off-the-shelf tools and ideas in new and bold ways with the full backing of health department and county leadership.

Event Name: 
NNIP Partners Meeting, September 2024