Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
May 2011
The lead agency for the Central Promise Neighborhood is the Sisters of Charity Foundation. The Center for Urban Poverty and Community Development is leading a consortium that will conduct the needs assessment and segmentation analysis for the planning phase. Additionally, the Center is leading the effort to develop an integrated data system that will track program participation and child outcomes for children in the neighborhood, covering the pipeline from birth to college or career.
The Center is now assisting with the Department of Education Implementation proposal.
CI:Now was awarded a one-year $50,000 operating grant from the Kronkosky Charitable Foundation to support child data integration and community engagement around child data and information. Kronkosky was a founding member of CI:Now when it was organized as the Alamo Area Community Information System (AACIS) in the late 1990s, and the Foundation continues to recognize the power of shared data for improving community conditions.
In 2013, NNIP launched a three-year cross-site project, Connecting People and Place, supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation to expand the relevance of integrated data systems (IDS) for local policy, increase access to information in IDS, and connect IDS with data on neighborhoods. An integrated data system is a system linking individual-level records from multiple government agencies on a periodic basis.
The Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance-Jacob France Institute (BNIA-JFI) at the University of Baltimore seeks to better understand the equity of access to programs that help households receive energy assistance to make weatherization improvements to reduce energy consumption. BNIA-JFI will study applicants and recipients of funds provided by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development‘s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP).
Our virtual idea showcase webinars are intented to offer a way for partners to share potential projects, early work, or recent projects with each other in between in-person partner meetings
NNIP/UI will start with a quick update on news from NNIP-central, and there will be a series of presentations from partners. Each partner will have 5 minutes to talk about potential, current, or completed work. They may be in a formal Ignite format, or just with PPT slides, or no slides at all.
Video - By: Kathy Pettit | John Garvey | Seok-Joo Kim | Jessie Partridge | Diane Gavarkavich | Maia Woluchem
Urban Institute, Urban Strategies Council, Center on Poverty and Community Development, Metropolitan Area Planning Council, UNC Charlotte Urban Institute
Building on the findings resulting from a Lead Technical Studies grant in 2011, ProvPlan, the RI Department of Health, and Brown University have developed a second Lead Technical Studies project scope that extends their current model to use secondary data to assess the effectiveness of lead hazard control activities and regulations.
The Central Falls School District is the grantee with the Urban Institute and ProvPlan playing major roles in terms of project evaluation and data analysis. The NIJ project will be a large-scale intervention ‑ in two school districts (CF and Westerly) and two charter schools (Blackstone Valley Prep and the Greene School) ‑ on how to make schools safer, primarily through the use of “restorative justice” case conferences, a process in which students, teachers, and families work together to resolve conflicts and repair any harm caused by misbehavior. Central Falls has been a trailblazer in R
EastPoint PaCT (Promise and Choice Together) is a group of coordinated initiatives working to transform and revitalize the EastPoint neighborhood, a near-eastside area with a rich history and tradition. Among others, PaCT work includes the US DOE-funded Eastside Promise Neighborhood, the US HUD-funded Wheatley Choice Neighborhood, the US DOJ-funded Public Safety Enhancement initiatives attached to Promise and Choice, the Annie E.
SA2020 is a community visioning and collective impact initiative focused on 11 cause areas. CI:Now collects and analyzes the data to report indicators of progress in these areas, also working to shed light on critical disparities by race/ethnicity, gender, age group, and neighborhood.
CI:Now is developing the CommunityViewer integrated data system, which brings together “people data" and “place data" from public and private sources to inform early intervention, planning, intervention monitoring, and evaluation and research. More information about CommunityViewer is available here.
In partnership with Rhode Island's Department of Labor and Training, ProvPlan is integrating workforce and unemployment data into the RI DataHUB to examine workforce related policy issues. Our first "Data Story" is expected to be published in early April 2015.
The ISC Codebook is a newly launched tool to help researchers better understand the data within the ISC Community Database. With 12 data deposits, representing over 44 data sharing agreements
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
November 3, 2015
In the series "Toxic Neglect", the Cleveland Plain Dealer has been running stories on the problems of lead poisoning on young children. Dr. Robert Fischer, co-director of the Poverty Center, was interviewed for "Lead poisoning makes education harder for kids and teachers" on October 22, 2015.
Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)
November 4, 2015
In an editorial to the Cleveland Plain Dealer on November 1, Poverty Center Co-Director Dr. Rob Fischer discussed the magnitude of the problems from lead exposure on young children.
The Children's Trust is working with the University of Miami Center for Computational Sciences and multiple early learning agencies throughout Miami-Dade County, including the school system, on an early childhood integrated data system (IDS). The collaborative is part of the Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy's (AISP's) IDS Training and Technical Assistance Learning Community in Spring 2018.
New evidence developed by the Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development (the Poverty Center) at Case Western Reserve University has prompted local government, nonprofit, and community leaders to advance policies that will protect children in rental homes from lead poisoning, and it is shaping how all sectors view the billion-dollar issue of lead hazards and potential solutions.
The Children’s Trust held a virtual community workshop, in concert with other agency partners, titled the IDEAS Synergy Event 2020, with a diverse group of 130 early childhood experts, from community agencies to interdisciplinary researchers and leading provider systems. The June 11 event began a community conversation about equity, key factors, and developing evidence to guide practices and policies. Video of the sessions is available on the event website.
Urban Institute (NNIP Coordinator) Institute for Housing Studies (Chicago) Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy (New York) Center on Poverty and Community Development (Cleveland)