
The DataHaven Town Equity Reports provide access to relevant town-level information that is not available from any... [read more]
In recent months, districts have been moving to integrate updated materials and re-examined practices to ensure a more equitable education for every student. Educators serve an important role in... [read more]
Memphis’ local StriveTogether organization, Seeding Success is a cradle to career backbone organization that seeks to ensure every child has the... [read more]
Metroscape’s Winter 2018 edition launched with a panel discussion on nonagricultural uses of Oregon farmland.... [read more]
CI:Now’s new Viz-a-lyzer is an interactive tool for people to visually explore and analyze (visual… viz… viz-a-lyze… get it?) Bexar County data... [read more]
At what level does lead exposure become dangerous for children?
Dr. Robert Fischer, Co-Director of the Poverty Center, and Dr. Elizabeth Anthony, Research Assistant... [read more]
The Poverty Center's co-director, Dr. Rob Fischer, was interviewed for an article by the Cleveland Plain Dealer from February 1st, titled "Cleveland... [read more]
On November 5, 2015, Dr. Claudia Coulton presented the talk "Exploring the Impact of Foster Care and Juvenile Justice Involvement on Future... [read more]
In an editorial to the Cleveland Plain Dealer on November 1, Poverty Center Co-Director Dr. Rob Fischer discussed the magnitude of the... [read more]
In the series "Toxic Neglect", the Cleveland Plain Dealer has been running stories on the problems of lead poisoning on young children. Dr. Robert Fischer, co-director of the Poverty... [read more]
Lead affects Cleveland children even before kindergarten. In an unpublished report completed in June, Case Western Reserve University and Invest in Children examined the effect of lead poisoning... [read more]
Eight out of 10 smokers start smoking before they turn age 18. Although Washington state law requires each school district to have a written policy prohibiting the use of all tobacco products on... [read more]
Analyzing the evidence for a shortage of middle-skill workers in the manufacturing and healthcare industries in the Portland region.
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In partnership with Rhode Island's Department of Labor and Training, ProvPlan is integrating workforce and unemployment data into the RI DataHUB to examine workforce related policy issues. Our... [read more]
The Central Falls School District is the grantee with the Urban Institute and ProvPlan playing major roles in terms of project evaluation and data analysis. The NIJ project will be a large-scale... [read more]
In celebration of Attendance Awareness Month, Rhode Island KIDS COUNT, The Providence Plan, and the Rhode Island Data
Sharing Project held a special event for educators, policymakers, and... [read more]
As part of the Club’s Friday Forum series, Sheila Martin, director of the Institute for Portland Metropolitan Studies (GPP’s parent organization) will join a panel of three Portland-area school... [read more]
In May 2014, D3 launched the 2014 One D Scorecard, an online tool that reports on the status of our region through key data indicators in five Priority Areas: Economic Prosperity, Educational... [read more]
In Spring 2014, Mayor of Dallas Mike Rawlings gathered the Dallas community and created a Task Force to advise him on substantive, short-term plans to take action against poverty within the city.... [read more]
Begun in 2011, this dashboard is TALENT 2025’s “go to” data source for the monitoring of ongoing improvement efforts around two major goals; (1) to achieve 60% post-secondary attainment in the 25... [read more]
Just as longer commutes can have detrimental effects on adults, it reasonably follows that longer school commutes may have such effects as an increase in stress, tardiness and obesity rates on our... [read more]
In collaboration with King County school districts, Public Health – Seattle & King County is developing school district health profiles that will inform school administrators and policy-makers... [read more]
CI:Now does supplemental mapping and analysis of San Antonio’s growing bank of neighborhood-level kinder-readiness data from the ... [read more]
How does living amid foreclosures, vacant properties, and declining neighborhood stability affect how well a child does in school?
Funded by the... [read more]
The Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development (CUPCD), based at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University, is working with the... [read more]
In partnership with the Policy and Services Research and Data Center (PSRDC) at the University of South Florida, the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County (JWB) is researching the individual,... [read more]
The Pittsburgh Neighborhood and Community Information System (PNCIS) within the University Center for Social and Urban Research at the University of Pittsburgh is working with the Allegheny County... [read more]
With school closings, specialized school openings, and inconsistent transportation, students in Detroit Public Schools often find themselves attending school far from home. To better understand... [read more]
D3 has created an interactive tool to provide prospective re-developers with contextual information about Detroit Public School properties that are featured for sale. This tool was designed by... [read more]
The 2012 Michigan Scorecard, a product of collaboration between The Center for Michigan and Data Driven Detroit, is now available. The Scorecard tracks Michigan’s status through twenty-eight... [read more]
Children's Optimal Health is pleased to announce that we have launched a new website. Many of our maps and all of our published reports are available for download through the site. There is... [read more]
CRP and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute are partnering to conduct research on student mobility in Ohio. This first-of-its-kind research, to be completed by fall 2012, will analyze Ohio Department... [read more]
San Antonio was among the 14 communities named as All-America Cities by the National Civic League in July 2012. The award recognized the work of a third-grade reading coalition that includes the... [read more]
The Ohio Education Research Center will produce and carry out a P-20 education research agenda in collaboration with the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Board of Regents. Led by the OSU... [read more]
The RI DataHUB is a multi-agency longitudinal data system for anyone interested in the well-being of people in Rhode Island. The DataHUB brings together data sets from multiple federal, state and... [read more]
CI:Now was awarded a one-year $50,000 operating grant from the Kronkosky Charitable Foundation to support child data integration and... [read more]
The PNCIS and education researchers at the University of Pittsburgh are convening a group of interested stakeholders from education and community development fields to develop a common research... [read more]
Metropolitan Philidelphia Indicators Project released their most recent policy brief on charter school locations and falling enrollment in traditional public schools.
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BNIA-JFI staff presented the Baltimore City results from the NNIP cross-site funded analysis of children affected by foreclosures project.
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A collaborative project with the Sacramento City Unified School District and the UC Davis Center for Regional Change using student attendance data to determine the prevalence of chronic... [read more]
Confronted by declining enrollment and decreased revenues, the Pittsburgh Public Schools has proposed to close seven buildings, effective in the 2012-13 school year. Decades of assigning students... [read more]
In partnership with the Oakland Unified School District, we launched the ambitious AAMAI to support black boys in our public school system and to reduce all gaps in outcomes for these boys. We are... [read more]
Through the Communities For Public Education Reform (CPER) initiative, Piton is partnering with two community organizations, Metro Organizations for People, and Stand for Children to directly... [read more]
NeighborhoodInfoDC has been providing data and analysis supporting the new Kids Count grantee (DC Action for Children). We released the first of a series of policy... [read more]
The Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy and NYU's Institute for Education and Social Policy have been awarded a grant by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. This work... [read more]
In late January, the Boston Indicators Project released an update of a 2008 “report card” on Boston’s education pipeline and preview of data visualizations using the Weave open source software.... [read more]
In late 2010, the Urban Strategies Council and Oakland Unified School District, in partnership with the East Bay Community Foundation, launched a bold new initiative aimed at addressing the... [read more]
MPIP is providing data and mapping assistance to the ArtsRising project being implemented by a combination of arts and children’s organizations. In conjunction with five Philadelphia middle... [read more]
Urban Strategies Council facilitated, with the Oakland Unified School District, a nine-month planning process with the multi-stakeholder Full Service Community Task Force. We produced a... [read more]
The Skillman Foundation requested that D3 prepare a white paper on the overall well-being of Detroit's children, with a sub-analysis specific to boys of color. This report presents a broad set of... [read more]
D3 is providing a baseline profile of the Brightmoor community’s needs and assets. It includes an account of current conditions in Brightmoor covering multiple dimensions; an inventory and mapping... [read more]
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
University Center for Social and Urban Research
Neighborhood Data for Social Change
Los Angeles
... [read more]
NNIP co-hosted a moderated panel with team members from the StriveTogether's Racial and Ethnic Equity Action Team to discuss their guide and implementation process on systems indicators.The... [read more]
In 2014, we began holding virtual idea showcases after partners expressed the desire for more NNIP conversations between in-person meetings. Thanks to Idea Showcases, partners have shared their... [read more]
In 2014, we began holding virtual idea showcases after partners expressed the desire for more NNIP conversations between in-person meetings. Thanks to Idea Showcases, partners have shared their... [read more]
This webinar is hosted by the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership and KIDS COUNT.
"Data Collection and Information Sharing around School Discipline" features analysts from Council... [read more]
On May 30th at 10am Pacific, Urban Strategies Council and the Oakland Unified School... [read more]
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The Children’s Trust of Miami-Dade County funds out-of-school time programs to reduce the number of children spending their out-of-school hours unsupervised and unchallenged. In 2005, the Trust...
[read more]The Greater New Orleans Data Center worked to increase the effective use of data in decisionmaking among member agencies of the Literacy Alliance of Greater New Orleans and the Greater New Orleans...
[read more]Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) used data and maps provided by the Nonprofit Center of Milwaukee (NPCM) to redistrict their recreation programming and save money on administrative costs associated...
[read more]In the 2000 Communities Count Report, South King County residents were found to have read to their children less than residents in other parts of King County. In South King County 58 percent of...
[read more]New charter schools in Baltimore relied heavily on data provided by BNIA to develop their school proposals. A group in the Patterson Park neighborhood asked BNIA in 2003 for help assembling...
[read more]The Ochs Center, formally known as the Community Research Council (CRC), in Chattanooga, TN provided support for the development of Hamilton County’s Reading Initiative.4 At the request of the...
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