Brightmoor Community Needs Assessment

Data Driven Detroit (D3)   (Detroit)

D3 is providing a baseline profile of the Brightmoor community’s needs and assets. It includes an account of current conditions in Brightmoor covering multiple dimensions; an inventory and mapping of existing assets in the Brightmoor and Cody-Rouge communities; a comprehensive review of existing programs for children ages 0 to 5 in Brightmoor; and a discussion of the gaps revealed by this study between the needs of 0 to 5 year olds in Brightmoor and the resources available to meet the needs.
Over the past four years, the Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation has invested heavily in a range of programs in the Brightmoor community of Detroit. The principal focus of the Foundation’s work in Brightmoor has been the education of children ages 0 – 5. Looking ahead to its future work in Brightmoor, the Foundation asked D3 to provide a baseline profile of the community.

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