Resilience and Rebuilding for Low-Income Communities: Research to Inform Policy and Practice

April 11, 2013 - April 12, 2013

Community development is a dynamic research arena that requires the input of a multitude of voices, sectors, and industries; the harnessing of an array of data; and the application of numerous methodologies to understand, assess, and create more sustainable and thriving neighborhoods. The 2013 Federal Reserve Community Development Research Conference program committee invites papers that describe academically rigorous, applied and action-oriented research from many disciplines to inform collaborative, emerging strategies and policies that forge vibrant and resilient communities and consumers. Relevant themes may include:

  • Planning for Resiliency: Many communities, institutions, and organizations survived the economic downturn of the past few years, but some did not. Did the successful ones plan for tough times?
  • Collaboration and Multidisciplinary Thinking: Connecting across silos and cultivating collaborative practices are increasingly part of the community development tool kit. Examples can be found among the social entrepreneurship, public health, planning, education, and financing fields. What does the research tell us about barriers and opportunities for collaboration?
  • Assessing and Communicating Impact: Examining approaches to evidence-based decision making and program evaluation may reveal best practices. How can researchers and practitioners effectively use qualitative and quantitative strategies to determine what works? How can data be used for meaningful storytelling? Where are the data gaps, and what are the innovative to fill them? How do we communicate findings to different audiences for greater impact?

Individuals interested in presenting their research at the conference should submit abstracts or completed papers by September 15, 2012.

Renaissance Hotel
Washington , DC
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