Community Indicator Projects

Community Information Now (CINow) (San Antonio)
Neighborhood Nexus (Atlanta)
In late 2023 the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) launched an Impact Storytelling Fellowship to support... [read more]
Community Insight is a platform for displaying data about local communities, understanding community opportunities and needs, and targeting efforts for advancing equity. We draw on multiple... [read more]
BNIA has updated their six pre-recorded Learning Modules for anyone to use. Professors... [read more]
The Houston Community Data Connections (HCDC) compiles and organizes neighborhood level data from various sources to facilitate the use of data and inform... [read more]
IHS looked at data on where the under-18 population in Chicago is growing or declining. We talked to key neighborhood stakeholders to understand why and what... [read more]
The Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies is partnering with PSU's Nonprofit Institute to build a Nonprofit Pulse and Nonprofit Data Lab... [read more]
Neighborhood Pulse has added new community stories and a data-rich base map of the Portland Metro. Click on a neighborhood to see its statistics... [read more]
The Healthy Communities Assessment Tool (HCAT) is an evidence-based web platform tool that offers a comprehensive approach for evaluating factors that contribute to community health. Developed by... [read more]
DataHaven is working with local partners to develop a comprehensive indicators program for Fairfield County and surrounding areas, utlizing various data sources including DataHaven's... [read more]
Sheila Martin participated in the "Better Know a Community Indicators Project." The series, presented by the Community Indicators Consortium, offers an opportunity to learn more about community... [read more]
Working with the Valley Community Foundation and approximately 20 other local partners, DataHaven produced a baseline indicators... [read more]
DataHaven is piloting the World Health Organization's (WHO) Age Friendly Communities Indicator Guide for Connecticut. The pilot study is supported by Connecticut's Legislative Commission on Aging... [read more]
Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy (New York)
University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh)
Three NNIP partners (Baltimore, New York City, and Pittsburgh) are presenting at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning conference in Philadelphia on October 30.
The panel will... [read more]
Two NNIP partner staff were recognized for their leadership in the field of community indicators by the Community Indicators Consortium in 2014. Frank Lenk, Director of Research Services at the... [read more]
Greater Portland Pulse has launched a new, more user-friendly and visually appealing web site at GPP's indicators are organized around a... [read more]
Through generous funding from the UB Provost Office, the Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance at the Jacob France Institute will be hosting a faculty workshop to engage faculty across many... [read more]
Public Health – Seattle & King County (PHSKC) is developing an Automated Disease Surveillance (ADS) program using Stata statistical software. In addition to being able to analyze the health... [read more]
Neighborhood Nexus created profiles for every Georgia Senate and House legislative district in the state using Census 2010 and the American Community Survey. The profiles include static reports... [read more]
In collaboration with King County school districts, Public Health – Seattle & King County is developing school district health profiles that will inform school administrators and policy-makers... [read more]
SA2020 is a community visioning and collective impact initiative focused on 11 cause areas. CI:Now collects and analyzes the data to... [read more]
At the 2013 Impact Summit, the Community Indicators Consortium recognized the Boston Indicators Project for its outstanding contribution to the indicators field. Jessica Martin, Research Director... [read more]
Communities Count, a public-private data partnership, has completed the launch of all indicators on its new website (... [read more]
The indicator assessment project acts as a guiding principle of how CMAP measures regional... [read more]
The outmigration that resulted in Detroit’s 25 percent population loss between 2000 and 2010 was driven, to a large degree, by families with children. In spite of that loss, children still... [read more]
BNIA-JFI is partnering with Morgan State University as a part of a Department of Homeland Security grant to explore and create a mobile application to provide a variety of indicator and GIS-based... [read more]
The Communities Count partnership launches its new website in September, completing a major phase in the transition to a dynamic electronic resource for the many organizations that rely on... [read more]
The DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey (DCWS) uses probability sampling to create highly-reliable local information that is not available from any other public data source. The DCWS ... [read more]
After three years of citizen engagement and the creation of a Regional Growth Framework for the 14-county Charlotte region, the CONNECT... [read more]
The Greater New Orleans Community Data Center and University of New Orleans hosted a forum to introduce Resilience and Opportunity: Lessons from the U.S. Gulf Coast after Katrina and Rita... [read more]
The Coalition for a Livable Future will partner with Metro, using the Context Tool Metro is developing, to produce the next edition of the Regional Equity Atlas... [read more]
Greater Portland Pulse (GPP), formerly known as Greater Portland-Vancouver Indicators (GPVI), is a growing partnership that uses both data and dialogue to encourage coordinated action for better... [read more]
Four convenings were held in March and April to inform the next biennial summary report of the Boston Indicators Project. The meetings brought together sector experts and community practitioners... [read more]
The State of Equity is the first in MAPC’s Regional Indicators program, which establishes a baseline for our equity-related indicators and will track the region’s progress towards the MetroFuture... [read more]
The Greater Portland Vancouver Indicators (GPVI) project is in the final stretch of defining regional indicators, building a “community data commons” web site, and developing a business plan that... [read more]
MCIC received a two year grant from the McKnight Foundation to work with the Center for Regional and Urban Affairs (CURA) to launch a National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership pilot project to... [read more]
PCNIS is developing a Quality of Life survey for Pittsburgh region with Pittsburgh Today, the indicators project begun by the late John Craig. Neighborhood quality, crime perception, social... [read more]
Communities Count and Public Health data were featured in the key indicator system case study of King County WA AIMS High. For this report, a group of 20 comprehensive indicator systems from... [read more]
Additional data has been requested to update the 2010 State of the Child report. This new copy will provide the latest information on the population 0 to 18 years in the City of Detroit across a... [read more]
NOWCastSA, a project of CI:NOW, produced seven live, interactive webcasts from September 2010 to March 2011 as hundreds of residents gathered to discuss and choose goals and priorities and... [read more]
This annual report monitors dimensions of community life, selecting critical indicators to tell us where Philadelphia stands as a region and within individual local communities. We provide annual... [read more]
BNIA-JFI released additional Vital Signs data for Baltimore City. Data for numerous indicators at the City and Community Statistical Area (CSA) are provided. In addition, BNIA-JFI made several... [read more]
In 2011, D3 completed the annual update of the One D Scorecard. The Scorecard now includes trending information, with at least three years of data for most indicators. Over the coming year, D3... [read more]
NNIP has developed a concept and plan for a shared indicators system with common measures across sites. The network has not yet raised the funds for implementation of these ideas.
The lack... [read more]
Idea Showcases are 5 minute opportunities to highlight or talk about the great work our organizations are doing. We had a great line up for this showcase!
The Boston Indicators... [read more]
In 2014, we began holding virtual idea showcases after partners expressed the desire for more NNIP conversations between in-person meetings. Thanks to Idea Showcases, partners have shared their... [read more]
This webinar, presented by Jeremy Smith, PhD, University of Colorado, will examine effective use of GIS technology as a way to change the way we view and describe our communities, with information... [read more]
In 2013, The Providence Plan launched the Rhode Island Community Profiles website—a tool to present data in a series of interactive tables, maps, graphs and charts. This web application allows... [read more]
Related Stories:
The Sacramento County Children's Report Card, first published in 2000, was established to show how well the Sacramento community is fulfilling its promise to children. The 2002 Report Card...
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