Greater Portland Pulse Relaunch!

Greater Portland Pulse has launched a new, more user-friendly and visually appealing web site at GPP's indicators are organized around a revised set of themes and cross-referenced among these themes as appropriate. The website aslo features a more user-friendly design and a new interface for charts and graphs.
In working toward better opportunities for comparison and greater consistency across the site, all indicators will now be viewable at three levels: local (county and/or metro area), state, and national. In the past, indicators were often measured at a variety of geographic tiers and lacked comparable data outside the region. While somem Census tract-level data were removed in the redesign, a great deal of new state- and US-level data has been added. With the view that more data is not always better, we hope that this will prove more useful to all.
As part of the Greater Portland Pulse's redevelopment, we have also expanded our geographic coverage. GPP will now provide data for all seven counties in the Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The MSA covers Clackamas, Columbia, Multnomah, Washingtin, and Yamhill counties in Oregon and Clark and Skamania counties in Washington.
The Greater Portland Pulse project begain in 2010, and GPP's first website launhced in June 2011. Since then, we have helped the public understand regional data and utilize it in a variety of ways to improve the region. We hope our September 2014 redeisgn will further this aim. We would love to hear your feedback--if you have a moment please send us an email with your thoughts about the new site.