EastPoint PaCT neighborhood transformation

Community Information Now (CINow)   (San Antonio)

January 2013

EastPoint PaCT (Promise and Choice Together) is a group of coordinated initiatives working to transform and revitalize the EastPoint neighborhood, a near-eastside area with a rich history and tradition. Among others, PaCT work includes the US DOE-funded Eastside Promise Neighborhood, the US HUD-funded Wheatley Choice Neighborhood, the US DOJ-funded Public Safety Enhancement initiatives attached to Promise and Choice, the Annie E. Casey Foundation-funded dual-generation Family Centered Community Change initiative, and the Bloomberg Philanthropies and Living Cities-funded Family Empowerment Center work. CI:Now provides data for planning, performance monitoring and improvement, and outcome measurement and evaluation. CI:Now’s CommunityVIewer integrated data system is being built out and piloted primarily with EastPoint PaCT-related data.