UNCC Urban Institute and Richmond Fed host third annual Data Day
Richard Fry, featured speaker at Charlotte Data Day 2015, asserted that Millenials (born 1981-96) are the most diverse and best educated generation but also face a tougher economy at the start of their careers than previous generations.
Fry, a senior researcher at the Pew Research Center, spoke October 7 at the third annual Charlotte Data Day. Presented by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute, this annual event strives to make data more accessible to the community.
Richard Fry of the Pew Research Center discusses how Millennials compare to earlier generations at the third annual Charlotte Data Day.
Lectures and interactive workshops centered around the theme of changing demographics were presented over a day and a half, with sessions at both the Federal Reserve branch in Uptown Charlotte and UNC Charlotte’s main campus.