Striving for Collective Impact through Results-based Accountability: Read to Learn in Miami-Dade

Presentation by Lori Hanson
November 15, 2012

The Children's Trust   (Miami)

Community leaders and organizations nationwide are in search of methods that help them achieve measurable results for the children and families they serve. Sometimes these organizations seek like-minded partners in order to reach common goals. Partnerships are formed. Meetings are held. But to what end?  Enter Collective Impact and Results-based Accountability.  They share an "ends to means" decision-making process and reliance on partners to work together in getting from talk to action that readily complement each other.  Collective Impact identifies the conditions for success; Results-based Accountability offers a framework, method and tools for a program, an agency, a system or a community to operationalize  collective  impact at any of these levels and achieve desired results.  This session introduces these concepts, explores their connections, and offers an example of how they are being used in Miami-Dade County, Florida’s Read to Learn Initiative. 

Event Name: 
Community Indicators Consortium Impact Summit