Infographics: Disseminating Significant Data to the Community
Presentation by Bernardo Espinosa
May 18, 2017
The Data Center (New Orleans)
The Data Center prides itself on creating comprehensive reports which gauge the
strength and vibrancy of Southeast Louisiana. However these reports are also dense,
and oftentimes tackle complex topics, begging the question: “Are we meeting our goal
of engaging and informing all of our target audiences?” The complexity of these
reports pointed to the need for The Data Center to utilize more innovative ways to
present data, one of which being infographics – visual representations that simplify
complex information to tell a captivating story. Working with a local graphic design firm,
The Data Center has developed a series of infographics that tell the stories relevant to
the New Orleans community and innovatively “unpack” the data in an engaging way.
Event Name:
NNIP Partnership Meeting, May 2017
Download Link:
PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation