Three NNIP Partners Featured at Association of Public Data Users Conference

Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance   (Baltimore)
Urban Health Collaborative   (Philadelphia)
DataHaven   (New Haven - Connecticut)

July 2023

Cheryl Knott (Baltimore) presented the Small Area Fair Market Rents Data Tool, which displays the relationship between renter housing costs and housing choice vouchers in the Baltimore region. A Small Area Fair Market Rent (SAFMR) would allow for local, neighborhood housing market conditions to dictate voucher values rather than a metro area. This would support both people and place-based iniatives to reduce concentrations of housing choice vouchers in neighborhoods.

Tyler Munn (Philadelphia) shared their data on local measures in the West Philly Promise Neighborhood, a grant funded from the US Department of Education. The research analyzes a wide range of housing indicators, including change in property assessment, housing quality, historical policies and zoning measures, new construction, vacant buildings, evictions, and home loans. 

Mark Abraham from DataHaven (New Haven) presented on their town equity reports that analyze data for 169 Connecticut towns. Each report compiles Census data, state and local administrative data, and data from their Community Wellbeing Survey, which interviews over 40,000 adults. For example, the survey is able to capture the change in adult residents' rating of community cohesion measures. 

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