A Collaborative Framework for Eviction Prevention in DC

Report by Noah Abraham, Elizabeth Burton, Leah Hendey, Lori Leibowitz, Rebecca Lindhurst, Beth Mellen, Marian Siegel, Peter A. Tatian
February 1, 2023

Urban–Greater DC   (Washington, D.C.)

The DC Eviction Prevention Co-Leaders Group believes that cross-sector collaboration among legal services providers, housing counselors, District government agencies, the DC Superior Court, philanthropic organizations, tenant organizers, housing providers, tenants, advocates, and community-based organizations is crucial to preventing eviction, displacement, and homelessness. The overall goal of the Co-Leaders Group is to establish a cross-sector collaborative approach to prevent eviction and displacement of tenants in DC with low incomes and stabilize their housing for the future.

The goal of the Co-Leaders Group is to prevent avoidable evictions. The key action areas of this framework are as follows:

  • Outreach to tenants. Tenants will be given information to help them understand their rights and obtain appropriate resources to remain stably housed.
  • Access to emergency financial resources. Tenants will be able to receive funds that help them with short-term financial shortfalls.
  • Access to eviction defense. Tenants will have access to legal advice and representation both before and during the eviction process.
  • Court processes. The eviction process at the DC Superior Court will be structured appropriately for different cases, and tenants will have access to supportive services such as mediation and housing counseling as part of court procedures.
  • Access to broader housing supports. Tenants will receive support in retaining housing subsidies, finding stable housing, and addressing broader housing conditions and challenges.
  • Access to community resources. Tenants will receive assistance with obtaining nonhousing supports that can help them remain in stable and safe housing.
  • Data to support effective collaboration and tracking results. The Co-Leaders Group and other entities working to prevent evictions will engage in robust data sharing that can drive improved collaboration and better outcomes for tenants.