Follow the Money: Indianapolis Evictions in 2022

Digital Feature by Erik Steiner
August 5, 2022

The Polis Center   (Indianapolis)

This article examines six months of eviction data in Marion County from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022 in the midst of these changes to establish a post-pandemic baseline. We then use these data to discover who are responsible for these evictions, how many people face multiple evictions in the same six-month period, and how evictions relate to health department violations.

We find that 65 percent of eviction filings are from large multifamily developments, though only 14 percent of rental households live in these properties. One tenth of people with evictions in six months (1,300) are filed against multiple times, accounting for one fifth of all filings. The worst offenders of health department complaints and violations file evictions at the highest rate.