Research Coordinator II

Job Description by Community Information Now
November 23, 2020

Community Information Now (CINow)   (San Antonio)

This is a sample position description with the following primary responsibilities:

  1. Meets with partners/clients to understand unmet data needs and determine how to meet those needs (e.g., by acquiring new data, creating new query/report from existing data, adding/changing fields, communicating information differently). Assists the PI in scoping projects and developing budgets and proposals.
  2. Cleans, analyzes, integrates, and critically examines quantitative and qualitative data to identify important or unexpected patterns, relationships, and trends to communicate to partners. Develops appropriate online or paper-based tables, charts, maps, dashboards, or other products to meet partner need.
  3. Drafts publications and presentations to communicate CI:Now’s work and findings to the local, state, and national field.
  4. Participate in establishing and sustaining internal project management infrastructure and processes to ensure the continuous delivery of high-quality data and other products to the community and CI:Now partners.