Analyzing Neighborhoods with Intensifying and Emerging Housing Affordability Pressure

Report by Sarah Duda, Yiwen Jiao, Geoff Smith, Will Holland
December 2018

Institute for Housing Studies   (Chicago)

Last year, the Institute released the first edition of Mapping Displacement Pressure in Chicago which brought together granular data on current and changing house prices and paired it with data on vulnerable populations to identify Chicago neighborhoods with different levels of displacement pressure. This year's release updates the housing market data behind the analysis and includes two project components:

  • Interactive Map Tool - The tool allows users to interactively explore neighborhoods from three different displacement risk typologies and understand levels of housing affordability pressure surrounding three major public investment projects of concern to community stakeholders: The 606, El Paseo Trail, and the Obama Presidential Center. The map tool now includes an expanded tooltip that features key contextual data for each census tract on neighborhood rents, the housing stock, and the share of the population that is non-white.
  • Analysis of Intensifying and Emerging Market Pressure - This analysis highlights areas where market pressure has grown in the past year and profiles neighborhoods that have graduated to a higher risk category or areas where displacement risk has been a recent development.


In order to help understand displacement risk in a neighborhood context, IHS updates the Mapping Displacement Pressure in Chicago tool annually and works with community organizations and stakeholders throughout the year to apply this work to specific initiatives and neighborhoods. The tool gives practitioners and policymakers 1) a leading indicator to understand neighborhood-level displacement pressure and 2) a market-based lens to guide proactive interventions to advance equitable and inclusive policies that preserve housing affordability.