Using SAVI to Support Grant Applications
Teaches participants how data from a local data website can support stronger grant applications
SAVI is a local data website that provides data about Central Indiana communities, tools to analyze and visualize data, and training to build capacity for effective use. This two-hour training teaches participants to use the SAVI website to support grant applications. The course is team-taught with a grant writing expert who discusses the grant writing side of the class, and Polis personnel teach the SAVI side of the class.
The workshop begins with a brief introduction to the components of a grant application and how to craft a successful application. SAVI can support applications in such areas as identifying community need, program evaluation, measuring program outcomes, and identifying potential community partners. Using real examples of grant applications, participants use SAVI data to identify and understand community issues and create maps, charts, and tables to incorporate into deliverables.
The Polis Center offers year-round training opportunities ranging from basic to advanced SAVI skills. This workshop is Level 4 of the SAVI Certification program, which credentials participants for completing a certain number of courses.