Logic Models: How to Integrate Data Collection into Your Everyday Work
Coaches local nonprofit program staff to understand how to create and measure outcomes using national and local data sources
This training uses the W. K. Kellogg Foundation's Logic Model Development guide to help explain how nonprofit program staff should think about understanding outcomes and collecting data to serve those outcomes. The training also refers participants to publicly available data, including national sources (e.g., the Decennial Census, American Community Survey, and OnTheMap) and local sources (e.g., public health data from our Community Profiles data tool and VoiceGR local survey data).
GVSU has given versions of this training a few times a year for the past few years with different audiences in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Kellogg Foundation, one of the GVSU funders, often requires grantees to take the training.
As background reading, CRI recommends NTEN's State of Nonprofit Data (2012) and Collected Voices: Data-Informed Nonprofits (2014)