Interactive coverage of SA2020 planning workshop series in San Antonio

Community Information Now (CINow)   (San Antonio)

September 2010 - March 2011

NOWCastSA, a project of CI:NOW, produced seven live, interactive webcasts from September 2010 to March 2011 as hundreds of residents gathered to discuss and choose goals and priorities and envision San Antonio in the year 2020. The webcasts, each of which included a live, real-time chat, enabled at least 1,000 individuals to participate and comment on the process online, NOWCastSA archived and hosted video of all 20 hours of the events and produced several more hours of video interviews with residents and key participants and leaders. This allowed thousands of people to watch the complete video after the fact. NOWCastSA’s role in opening the conversation and expanding civic engagement was commended in the SA2020 final report. NOWData, CI:Now’s datacenter and data services provider, tentatively plans to provide data support for SA2020, including data collection, analysis, presentation, visualization, secure warehousing, and online hosting.