New Haveners Feeling Somewhat Safer

News article by Mark Abraham, Aparna Nathan
January 15, 2016

DataHaven   (New Haven - Connecticut)

New Haven residents feel safer in their neighborhoods than they did three years ago, one of many indicators from recent neighborhood surveys that show rising levels of optimism about the city, its government, and the local job market.

Two surveys — the DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey, which completed in-depth live cell phone and landline interviews with over 16,000 randomly-selected adults throughout Connecticut, as well as a coordinated door-to-door survey conducted by the Community Alliance for Research and Engagement (CARE) at the Yale School of Public Health of about 1,200 residents living within six low-income New Haven neighborhoods — both found that residents in New Haven now have a significantly improved feeling of safety in their own neighborhoods when compared to those who responded to nearly-identical surveys conducted in mid-2012.