The 2012 Assets Learning Conference
CFED invites you to the 2012 Assets Learning Conference, Ideas into Action to be held on September 19-21, 2012 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC.
The Assets Learning Conference is a nationally-recognized biennial event that brings together over 1,000 professionals from leading nonprofits, foundations, financial institutions, corporations, academia and government to learn about and advance asset building in the United States. The conference is the only event of its kind in the United States that addresses the full range of asset-building opportunities across the lifetime from youth ¬financial education to retirement savings. The 2012 Assets Learning Conference will build on over a decade of experience in providing attendees with the opportunity to learn innovative strategies and best practices that take ideas into action for individuals, families, communities and the nation as a whole.
Our goal is to advance innovative yet proven products, services, systems and policies that will help to make financial opportunity a reality for millions of Americans. Check CFED’s website,, frequently for updates, including information on how to register.