Selected Publications: General NNIP Model and Cross-Site Initiatives
Last Updated:
September 21, 2016
These publications explain the NNIP concept and how it can be applied successfully in local work and cross-site initiatives .
NNIP Concept
- Neighborhood Information Systems: We Need a Broader Effort to Build Local Capacity: This newsletter article gives an overview of the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership, including our model for building and operating neighborhood indicator systems, the payoffs for local policies and initiatives, and the need to expand efforts to build local capacity.
- Using the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership to Improve Public Health: This journal article describes how data intermediary organizations, like NNIP partners, can use data to improve public health in their cities.
- Stories: Using Information in Community Building and Local Policy: A collection of brief case studies that describe successful uses of neighborhood indicators in various areas, including neighborhood development, housing, children and schools, crime and prisoner reentry, health and service delivery.
Cross-site Initiatives Focused on Children
- School Readiness and Early Grade Success Initiative: Eight NNIP Partners developed a thorough understanding of the school readiness systems in their cities in this cross-site project and collaborated with local and state organizations with the goal of advocating on behalf of low-income children to insure that these children are healthy and ready to succeed when they enter school.
- Present, Engaged, and Accounted For: The Critical Importance of Addressing Chronic Absence in the Early Grades A report sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation to raise awareness of the importance of addressing chronic early absences, explore the available data on the extent of the problem, and share emerging lessons on how schools can use chronic early absence to identify and address challenges affecting the well-being of children early in their school careers.
- Neighborhoods and Health The cross-site analysis examined trends in maternal and infant indicators in five cities for poor and non-poor neighborhoods in the 1990's. The sites focused their local efforts on a variety of children's issues: access to well-baby care, child obesity, and the effects of residential mobility on health.
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Updated May 15, 2017
Updated October 17, 2023