NNIP Associates

Last Updated: August 13, 2024

In some cases, partner organizations have strong, ongoing relationships with individuals who provide some critical local data intermediary services in their communities and who wish to participate in NNIP peer learning activities. The network recognizes that there is mutual benefit in having these individuals more involved in NNIP, so permits each partner to nominate up to two individuals for special status as an NNIP Associate. An individual is eligible for nomination after he or she has attended one NNIP partner meeting held outside of their own city. The nomination needs to be approved by the NNIP Executive Committee and the NNIP Co-directors. Urban-NNIP will approve an NNIP Associate for a three-year period, with renewal at the discretion of the NNIP Executive Committee and NNIP Co-directors. The individual would be asked to sign an agreement acknowledging the network’s code of conduct and will be named on the NNIP website.  

During the individual’s term, the associate may join the NNIP Staff-Alumni Google Group, have a website login to access restricted content, and receive regular invitations to partners’ meetings as a guest participant. As with alumni, we expect associates to pay the guest fee for the meetings.  

If you have a local person you would like to nominate, please email the NNIP Co-directors: Kathy Pettit and Leah Hendey ([email protected] & [email protected]). 

Current NNIP Associates


Last revised: May 2024

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