
This catalog includes the many types of resources produced by the individual partners and the partnership as a whole. For informal updates on partner work that might not include published products, visit our Activities page.

Ignite Showcase Oct 2015: Part II

Video - By: Katya Abazajian, Katie Pritchard, Mary Buchanan, Meg Merrick, Megan Johanson
October 22, 2015

(Inactive) IMPACT, Inc.
New Haven - Connecticut
(Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies

Measuring Well-Being and Opportunity in Connecticut Neighborhoods

Presentation - By: Mark Abraham
September 17, 2015

Income Inequality and Change in Connecticut’s Neighborhoods

Presentation - By: Mary Burchanan
July 16, 2015

Our Wealth, Poverty Extremes Top Other States’

Blog post - By: Mary Buchanan, Mark Abraham
May 22, 2015

NNIPCamp May 2015: Neighborhood Surveys

Meeting Materials - By: Mark Abraham
May 6, 2015

Welcome Home: Immigrants in Greater New Haven

Presentation - By: Mary Buchanan
May 6, 2015

#NNIPChat Storify: February 19, 2015

Blog post - By: Urban Institute
February 19, 2015

Understanding the Impact of Immigration in Greater New Haven

Report - By: Mary Buchanan, Mark Abraham
January 20, 2015
